Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: night, night...

You were 365 days that will never come again: 'adieu' father time, shortly you will awaken a child again, new and ready to begin the journey all over again...
Sleep well

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Keep your chin up, baby!

I love you, I miss you, I hope you return soon...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Alive this Christmas Day

Celebrate, rejoice this Christmas: the birth of the "Sun"
I have already eatin so much; I hope things slow down but maybe I will continue with the spirit and eat, eat, eat...

Merry Christmas!
Peace and Love
ps: the document proved me right

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday pt 2

I made a call today to the office of DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton; the receptionist(consumate professional) was about to call me, to inform me that she had received information to my query from earlier in the week. Delighted in my timing she faxed the information, which was decently presented via fax, but I needed the "clean" copy directly from her office.
I biked over arriving about 2:30 pm, at the Rayburn office building. From my initial scanning I believe my hunch was correct about the so called "law" against distribution of information at the centerpiece in front of the White House...
I will return!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Not one press call was returned after my day of "information" concerning the so called "law" against distributing information at the center spot in front of the White House.
This town is run by dark occult figures that never seem to go away.
I have not been able to edit my post lately, sorry about the previous post and the errors they contain.
Ironically I have been able to focus on editing my book; I still have 670 pages left to edit.
Wish me luck

Monday, December 17, 2007

Day 2

I have been spreading the word about the so called "law" against practicing the first Amendment in front of the White House.
No one in any Congressional Office(DC Delegate Norton was first) I have spoken with has any idea or knowledge; granted those who answer are only staffers but still it is disheartening to find such little awareness on what really is happening "We the People" here in Capital City...
And as I had previously discovered, Pelosi's office was rude and dismissive...
If this keeps up I will have to challenge this directly!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Don't let them tame you!

OK, I have got to be quick: I made my way Tuesday to the Canon House office building to get donations of US Constitutions which obviously contain the first 10 Amendments the Bill of Rights.
I picked the first corridor to my right because if you have or ever go into this building it is impressive with long corridors with high ceilings: beautiful...
Wolf (Va.), Pallone(N.J.), Drier(Ca.), Pelosi (Ca.) were all in a row; I visited and they combined gave me 5 bundles of 50 or 250; though I should say only 3 of those members donated.
Guess whose office did not donate?
So I go outside and begin to offer them at the rate the people walk down Independence Avenue: Armstrong Williams who at first tried to walk through, but I got one in his hand and reminded him to "keep your boy in check with this", as he walked past.
Well after chattin with a golden Eagle family member who seem to be attracted to me cuz of my pro Constitution spin though quickly I get them defensive asking them about Article 1 sec 8 and of course they always say:" they were given authority" which I reply Article 1 section 8: either you support Constitution and law or not: silence: I LOVE IT!
A Californian congresswoman comes to the corner to cross so I offer her a Constitution which she says is great but she has some at the office; we then chat about her not voting for a war which "only congress can authorize"; we agree about the state of the Country. I then ask why she did not run?
Well they won't support us she implored: that is too bad I say.
Before she leaves I roll off the great women from California whom deserve the nomination instead of Hitllary Clinton. She responded: "we have many great women of color from California" to which I agreed. Then I asked as she began to cross the Avenue: why Hillary Clinton? She retraced her steps and leaned over to me and whispered: cuz she is White...
We eyed each other as she turned and confidently crosses the street, making her way to the big house on the Hill.
I hit up a group of kids and then left, and headed to the Supreme Court. I am immediately harassed by a US Capitol Hill cop first for my ID(lost it in a mens room on the way to Pittsburgh)and then was questioned about my actions: you need to have a permit to distribute propaganda which I could not believe was the rule: this is bloody DC.
So I kept on kicking it to the people who walked along 2nd Street. After the first 20 (5 left) I had another visit from 2 cops this time: black woman and white man. Same questions; I gave the same response. After getting rid of the last five I left and went to kick in the real city for where my efforts were greatly appreciated!
Move ahead to Saturday: Bill of Rights Day
I had just finished working out at 1:30 pm and feeling great because snow and rain are forecast and my trip to the White House and back excluding distribution of Constitutions would be at least 1 hour and 15 minutes: still on my schedule to complete the mission.
Anyway, I go out to check my bike in order to tighten a loose screw on my wheel and discover: a flat tire: DAMN
I had to scavenge through years of old patch kits, which I am able to use; I am able to luckily patch the tire and repair the tire: 3:05 it took over an hour but shit I have a mission a head.
I shower, shave and am off at 3:30. Quickly I make my way to the White House--stopping to lock up my bike away from the grounds because of the shit I got from the pigs the last time I was down in front of the white House on 9/11/07.
And unlike last time I could not get my action in full force as I am instantly confronted by a uniformed officer: "it is against the LAW to distribute information in front of the White House".
I have lived here most of my life and this is amazing, a travesty!
Well my confrontation brings re-enforcements: I am surrounded by 6 more and as I debate there acts and defend "ours" continue to distribute what is now unlawful information.
BILL of Rights Day and I cannot legally distribute: The IRONY!
They tried to convince me that I have to move down but I continued to fight for space but they wore me out. I was disheartened because as I fought and slid down from the center space in front of the White House, I offered U.S. Constitutions but was turned down more than supported. How frustrating; I was reminded why I dropped out of full time Activism in 1999 to write my book: the American people are fucking sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And stupid as shit!!!!
I reminded the police that if I got arrested on Bill of Rights Day I would make a huge name for myself and probably destroy them and this "law"; but I would have to get arrested 10 days before Christmas. And with the passive support I was receiving from the passers by I just finished my mission: make the distribution, cause a scene and get home before the rain comes( it was after 5 and it was supposed to arrive at 5). So, I dropped them off and got home by 6:15 after stopping to get some pasta to feed my mom and Zeus too.
This country is doomed because out of the 25 I distributed, only 5-6 people passionately understood why accepting a constitution on Bill of Rights Day especially under the new "law" was patriotic and the "spirit" of the day.
Like turning down a present on Christmas: We the People have lost our Spirit, they have tamed US.
That is why I wanted to get arrested but I have to choose my time and place.
I have been building a nation since the vision I had: San Francisco 1993.

As this nation falls, a new one must be built; the fight is too awaken the people, and in the process transforming whomever sits in high places! We do this by building a new nation upon the greatness of the old Republic.
This past week confirmed everything(good and bad) I have sacrificed, for all these years.
Still I fear for you all: when "We the People" cannot distribute the Constitution in front of the White House then it is time for us to forget the first amendment and sternly endorse the use of the 2nd!
Well, they started it...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Bill of Rights day!

Well the school is still knocking me off so I will post tomorrow about all the shit that has gone down during this momentous "Bill of Rights" holiday week.
Today was Bill of Rights day and boy did it live up to ALL of the "HYPE"...altmost got arrested and the more I think about it I probably should have done it because from where I stood--in front of the White House surrounded by cops-- it is another sign of the death of this society and the continuation of the Age of Apocalypse, leading us into the New World Order!!!

We are gonna have to fight them...ALL

Friday, December 14, 2007


Tomorrow December the 15 is Bill of Rights Day...
I have been distributing copies of the Constitution of the United States which contain the Bill of Rights, around town during this past week.
Also, I have gotten many contacts with great people here in Capital City along with some great stories too.
I will have a detailed post tomorrow and hopefully if the internet service of the school across the street is kind(and not kick me off again) I may post one sooner. Being poor and an activist I depend on the kindness of "strangers" to bring many good tidings to "We the People"...
For some reason after I get updates from Windows I always get kicked off the internet web which extends from the school: go figure!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rest in peace Big Momma...

I was told something that I could hardly believe Friday night: Chery Spector had died 3 months ago.
"No way, not again" I yelled aloud, on 14Th St NW. outside Busboys and Poets. Not Cheryl, whom I had known as friend, activist, and comrade since I had returned to DC in 1993. She was as loving, aware and as powerful a dyke that I had met, not only here in Capital City, but anywhere on this planet...
She was rare because of her unique style and compassion made her stand out,in and about, no matter where she went.
I got home and reluctantly checked and was saddened with the news: another great loving powerful warrior for truth and justice had passed! The last time I had seen her was at Max Lawton's funeral(December 3rd 2006): another friend whom I had lost touch with--and thought "I will see in time"-- and found out indirectly he had passed: DAMN!!!!!!!!!!
Once again I am reminded that life is so precious;I truly miss all my friends...
I love and will always miss you Cheryl,
GOD SPEED,Big Momma, God speed...

how many tears are enough to say: farewell
when do we stop mourning the dead; when do we realize that forever is longer than good bye
how can I say "hello" again: am I still brave enough to "love".
living becomes harder when there is no one left to laugh and cry with, about memories no one remembers...
loneliness is the companion of sorrow: I am lonely again...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Is that the first snow flake?

It is always a special day and night when the first snowfall arrives here in Capital City.

Winter is near: get your coats buttoned up and your hats pulled down because if we are lucky--this is just the beginning of a long cold winter...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

World AIDS Day has so many faces...

Another World AIDS Day has come, and sadly, but predictably, "we the people" get the same lip-service from traiterous national leadership...
Not one US President has fully implemented it's own National Commission on AIDS report since its first commission in 1989(ended in 1993), by federal statue (Public Law 100-607). So frustrating to realize that the same ole shit is still going on today: Fuck em!!
I miss so many people; lost so many great men and women- feel older than I should because death has been my handmaiden: made ghost of all my friends... real people, Great Americans like Steve Michael, Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Hank Card and Max Lawton.
Luckily I can keep them alive in "spirit" because of how I live my life.
Though there are times when I meet some really great people and just wish I could share them with those who are unfortunately gone, to life's glory's.

Like his beautiful blue eyes.

I learned to value the great things God has left for me, and to make "these times" mine too!
Understanding the importance of "today"; to appreciate making this world "more perfect": transforming what is... into what will be.
And is Tetrasil(#5676977) a cure?
I hope so, because no life is lived in vain...
Cherish 'LIFE" and love it!

"Love", every day, because that special and unique emotion is the greatest gift of life...
Peace, love and life to all!
We are guaranteed nothing!!

ps: i still miss my friends