Thursday, June 26, 2008

What is that smell?

I was anticipating such a ruling by this so called "Conservative" Supreme Court.
By accepting the case, (District of Columbia v Heller) the court tried to address the founder's intent with regards to the 2nd Amendment.
The court tentatively affirmed the right of individuals to have access to firearms-including handguns- but allowed for restrictions, because as Justice Scalia states, " it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose."
Once again the 2nd amendment is being held hostage by ruling elites; the right to bear arms is designed to prevent tyrannical government, and its oppressive tool, the standing army.
Acting in his own self and class protection, Scalia and his ilk understand that the use of the latter gives power and longterm legitimacy to the former.

(Let's not even get into the complete insanity of the 4, in opposition!)

Thus they have said to District residents: it is ok to practice your "right" but first you must register with the government and then its only exercise is possible behind the closed doors of your home: sounds like we are a bunch of sex offenders, don't it?
Very similar to how the heterosexual community has marginalized my fellow homosexuals to its registration books and our self love only safely practiced behind closed doors!

This ruling continues to perpetuate their fear of a self governed individual, whom organizes his and her own community to promote their general welfare; these "supremes" continue to castrate our struggle for self determination. Even in "victory", they continue to deny the rights of self government and control which are necessary to maintain this once great republic.

But I am not surprised...freedom is never won in the courts of the oppressor.
It must be practiced daily and extended to whomever values its taste, thereby building a new world in the olds' place!

This is our task...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Say goodnight

There is a time for life and inevitably a time for death.
On this occasion you learn to live with this sober reality; it is the consequence and privilege of long life.
But, there are times when a loss arrives suddenly, bringing "shock" to the receiver, being unprepared for its arrival. And in the process simultaneously drawing its recipient closer to that ultimate fate AND sparking inspiration for life-- cuz: the dead are watching...


This was my reaction upon reading of the passing of Kermit Love.
The brilliant puppeteer, who had worked with theater masters George Balanchine, Twyla Tharp and Orson Welles. Though professionally it was his cooperation with Jim Henson in creating the internationally acclaimed "Sesame Street", with Love creating many characters, most notably "Big Bird."(animated by Carroll Spinney)
Though as a gay man, I believe his "greatest" achievement was in maintaining his 50 year commitment to his partner Christopher Lyall.

Gone, but not forgotten by bilions, because IDEAS ARE ETERNAL...

Kermit Love: Rest in peace!

Friday, June 20, 2008


To those who call this place home, it was not surprising that the two "opposing" parties came to an agreement on the Iraq/Afghanistan spending bill(I guess they hate cheering). Miss George Bush got everything she wanted and so did the Dems.

Sold down the river for 63 billion over 11 years or 5.72 billion dollars a year; roughly 3.8% this fiscal year.
I guess our "best and brightest" are not worth much to the powers that be; but considering that they view us all as worthless eaters, in context-- it does make THEM look generous...

But as I have documented, the war must is propping up the world economy.

The only way to oppose these international forces is to stop working and fighting for this planned world chaos; the power is in our hands.

Now, are you ready to listen!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Go Team Bush!!!

Yes, let's cheer on the "principled" action by George Bush Jr., whom has decided again that too much misdirected spending is bad for the so-called war effort. Because his decision to veto the 2008 Iraq funding bill- if it does not eliminate "wasteful spending" -will bring about a temporary halt(Congressional recess starts July 4) to the continued American military "presence" in Iraq...

(funding runs out when the fiscal year ends in October).

His reasoning being it would cause "chaos and confusion": aint that what we got...

Well, anyway, "politics" HAS FINALLY got in the way of prosecuting THIS WAR.

You see, no money for anything related to this slaughter house, ultimately ends the war by political inertia.

Good thing!

Besides, it was only giving those LUCKY enough to survive(3 yrs. required) this Apocalypse, 52 billion dollars over 10 years or 5.2 billion per year; this out of a bill providing 165 Billion : or 3.1% for the fiscal year.

What a bunch of cheap hypocrites.

Same thing I saw as an AIDS activist: government redistributing wealth to those whom needed it the least.

You lie to em, send them to kill, and then squabble over the goddamn crumbs: shame, shame, shame!

So I say: Bush V-e-t-o, because it is not worth it!

No spending bill, no war... no spending bill, no war!

Then, the Iraqis can get the upper hand and send our people home to us: saving there bodies and OUR souls.

So come on everybody, lets give our "Cheerleader-n-Chief" a hand:
"Go team Bush,
go, get em George
don't- let- Nancy,
push you all around...
just veto that bitch to the floor
Yay, TEAM!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Are you alive, or dead?

Life and death are intrinsically linked; as one life enters this realm one will surely exit it. As my friend Jay Lugar was fond of saying: "no one gets out of here alive..."

On June 8 1967, one of many lives was birthed here in Washington DC; simultaneously in DC, American leaders where sanctioning the deaths of 34 navy men who were killed during the Israeli attack upon the USS Liberty which was patrolling international waters 12.5 nautical miles from the coast of the Sinai peninsula.

Because of the personal significance of June 8 1967, I will never forget the events of that historic day. I hope you do not either and if we continue to push the "leadership" of this country, we will not let the lives of those who died that day to be lost without justice.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

To You it may concern

You know when I arrived back to DC in 1993, I was a 25 year old man with A MISSION: the vision told me about the future world and I set things in motion which could possibly save the world as I wanted it to be; that world tragically, still turned out like this...

Well, I was a tireless and anxious man who over the years had to adjust to a world which for better or worse was not quick to accept my word for ANYTHING, even when as I have demonstrated to those closest to me that I know my shit and have a track record of being close to the truth on my worst day. But in the past year I have found my world going full circle; I came to town looking to focus on crushing my enemies and now have the urge to only want to fulfill that sentiment, unless I am left alone to paint, write, study, garden, train...

I am so fuckin over it

I Do NOT want to talk...
I Do NOT want to petition...
I Do NOT want to debate...
I Do NOT want to settle...

I DO want to tell you "I love you"; get some land in Western Montana, two long ranged rifles and you by the hand.

Lately, the sounds of this city scream something "big" is in the works. As if they are preparing for battle. I do not want to be here when the crack-down begins; I think we would be better of on the move; if you come "great", if not I know I will find you!!!
I do not know if you are brave enough, especially with your current "employment". But do not doubt the "link", bond -set deep inside me since day one- it will exist until the day I die!

I have to end my employment(barely 2 months) too; even that low level sojourn inside the matrix ceases to pacify my spirit. Ironically, I remember daily the talk we con sensed on months ago in your kitchen about "it" not being a job I should return too because one can have difficulty leaving "it" at the site: I remember everything you have said to me. Geez, you are in my head, heart and soul: Crazy!

But I would not want to change anything, cuz it is my greatest strength!

Independent, independence day; he yearned for a date to begin again
but how can he make it, how long must he wait.
A day, a year, maybe ten, ugh 15!

Look forward a fireball awaits; though too a soul-mate, a say-yid, a warrior: what better playmate?
The pain of all, whom they choose, we loose.
We must prepare, new genesis.
Light shines in the distance; a signal for the brave to stand, move, transform-- into what shall be!
O Patriot where art thou... do you await?
Awaken, sacrifice, fight and win for all!
Peace and war are joined to the end, one offering the means for the other to begin.
Both are one way out, for you and me.
Either way I do not fear; only see your beauty and forever love your beast!