Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Same old song and dance
The chase is on...
One block up 14Th street I realized that I was leaving my bike and was apprehensive in leaving it in front of the national Press Building. After catching boy wonder...I inform him "my bike is back at the Press Club could you give me a ride back after this hearing", and of course his answer is "no".
So I get the hearing room and briskly walk back the 2 blocks to find my bike; I untie its leash and begin to make my way to the Rayburn Office Building 2 1/2 miles east. I arrive at the building after a care free ride through the heart of Capital City. The office building abuts Pennsylvania Avenue which I cross as I push my bike to the side entrance and lock it safely. Realizing that I have to change my shirt, I sit on the ground at the entrance; as I buttoning up a familiar face turns the corner and surprisingly says, " you beat us here". "Yep; you had to deal with traffic", I add as I stand and follow citizen Kokesh into the ugliest office building on the hill.
Forgetting my dc "code": I have to take off my boots because they are steel plated which means they set off the damn machines that scan everything and everyone whom enters. As I grab my belongings and I start up the stairs putting on the boots as Kokesh waits with the damn phone stuck to his ear.
We head to the elevator and begin to wait for its arrival when another of one of his groupies enters the pictures: a very pretty woman with flowing raven hair and a warm embrace for Kokesh after she realizes who he was. (that boy's got more admirers than Brad Pitt).
We all travel up stairs to the meeting and enter the office. "gee the rooms keep getting smaller as the day go on", I think as I take my place in the back as Kokesh as one of the important people goes to sit along the first row. Unlike the earlier meetings this one is void of candidates or acrimony. Kucinich stays for 10 minutes speaking briefly on a next move by the coalition: supporting a truth and reconciliation movement; he then reminds us that he has votes to fulfill; the majority of the next 40 minutes are handled by his aide. An able fellow in his 30's, he goes on to "thank" the group that has gathered for their support for impeachment. I found his tributes to those in attendance--some traveling across country for the event--to be very appropriate considering that these people are the brave movers of the actions of the "leadership".
I warmly applaud as each of the group of 7 or so is announced: this mostly female group should feel good about their work because if not them than who...
I finally get his attention to interject after this group has been called because the aide continues to imply that impeachment is being delayed by republican intransigence; his partisan portrayal is misleading; the delay in impeachment is Conyers and the Democratic leadership. "We need to impeach Conyers", I point out in my first question, which I hoped would spark a new direction in how these "activist" perceive, the leadership and the relationship we the people must have in order to further an agenda that returns power to the citizens of this once great Republic.
"If he and the Democrats cannot control Bush than how the hell are they gonna control Obama?"
He smiled uncomfortably then gave assurances that the were aware of this frustrating dilemma though did not seem comfortable continuing the dialogue; returning to is prepared agenda one that steered clear of inner party confrontation.
the last 10 minutes or so Kucinich returns and gives a final push for his earlier idea for a truth and reconciliation coalition.
When we reached Q&A I returned to my call for real change: so if you and Pelosi are able to return to Congress, are you prepared to challenge her leadership as speaker on the premise of she not favoring impeachment and he in favor: a correct tactic of principle over personality based upon the higher responsibility of leadership to be challenged if it fails because of its unconstitutional and immoral behavior.
He squirms a bit; not comfortable with my outside the box thinking; he eventually says that he had not thought of challenging his friends but now he had something consider...
He takes another question and then reminds us that the time on the room is up and we had to vacate. As we filed out I just felt good about my day and the questions I was able to ask putting the so called leadership on its toes. I spoke two a couple of women outside the office who thanked me for my question an I thanked them for their heroic work. As I look down the hall I see Kokesh talking to a VFP member and I realized once again that he seems to always be busy plotting but I never get a sense he is moving forward just side ways. I say my good byes to the nice woman and begin to walk towards the good marine and his military comrade. I reach in my pocket and hand him a ball; to which he asks "what is it", to which I reply "magic".
I continue down the hall in order to make my way out of this ugly depressing cavern of confusion. "This place is so gross", I think as I finally, find the exact exit which is so much easier to escape from then to enter; pull off the lock and push the bike up the hill on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Different place.
Different personality.
Same old song and dance...
One block up 14Th street I realized that I was leaving my bike and was apprehensive in leaving it in front of the national Press Building. After catching boy wonder...I inform him "my bike is back at the Press Club could you give me a ride back after this hearing", and of course his answer is "no".
So I get the hearing room and briskly walk back the 2 blocks to find my bike; I untie its leash and begin to make my way to the Rayburn Office Building 2 1/2 miles east. I arrive at the building after a care free ride through the heart of Capital City. The office building abuts Pennsylvania Avenue which I cross as I push my bike to the side entrance and lock it safely. Realizing that I have to change my shirt, I sit on the ground at the entrance; as I buttoning up a familiar face turns the corner and surprisingly says, " you beat us here". "Yep; you had to deal with traffic", I add as I stand and follow citizen Kokesh into the ugliest office building on the hill.
Forgetting my dc "code": I have to take off my boots because they are steel plated which means they set off the damn machines that scan everything and everyone whom enters. As I grab my belongings and I start up the stairs putting on the boots as Kokesh waits with the damn phone stuck to his ear.
We head to the elevator and begin to wait for its arrival when another of one of his groupies enters the pictures: a very pretty woman with flowing raven hair and a warm embrace for Kokesh after she realizes who he was. (that boy's got more admirers than Brad Pitt).
We all travel up stairs to the meeting and enter the office. "gee the rooms keep getting smaller as the day go on", I think as I take my place in the back as Kokesh as one of the important people goes to sit along the first row. Unlike the earlier meetings this one is void of candidates or acrimony. Kucinich stays for 10 minutes speaking briefly on a next move by the coalition: supporting a truth and reconciliation movement; he then reminds us that he has votes to fulfill; the majority of the next 40 minutes are handled by his aide. An able fellow in his 30's, he goes on to "thank" the group that has gathered for their support for impeachment. I found his tributes to those in attendance--some traveling across country for the event--to be very appropriate considering that these people are the brave movers of the actions of the "leadership".
I warmly applaud as each of the group of 7 or so is announced: this mostly female group should feel good about their work because if not them than who...
I finally get his attention to interject after this group has been called because the aide continues to imply that impeachment is being delayed by republican intransigence; his partisan portrayal is misleading; the delay in impeachment is Conyers and the Democratic leadership. "We need to impeach Conyers", I point out in my first question, which I hoped would spark a new direction in how these "activist" perceive, the leadership and the relationship we the people must have in order to further an agenda that returns power to the citizens of this once great Republic.
"If he and the Democrats cannot control Bush than how the hell are they gonna control Obama?"
He smiled uncomfortably then gave assurances that the were aware of this frustrating dilemma though did not seem comfortable continuing the dialogue; returning to is prepared agenda one that steered clear of inner party confrontation.
the last 10 minutes or so Kucinich returns and gives a final push for his earlier idea for a truth and reconciliation coalition.
When we reached Q&A I returned to my call for real change: so if you and Pelosi are able to return to Congress, are you prepared to challenge her leadership as speaker on the premise of she not favoring impeachment and he in favor: a correct tactic of principle over personality based upon the higher responsibility of leadership to be challenged if it fails because of its unconstitutional and immoral behavior.
He squirms a bit; not comfortable with my outside the box thinking; he eventually says that he had not thought of challenging his friends but now he had something consider...
He takes another question and then reminds us that the time on the room is up and we had to vacate. As we filed out I just felt good about my day and the questions I was able to ask putting the so called leadership on its toes. I spoke two a couple of women outside the office who thanked me for my question an I thanked them for their heroic work. As I look down the hall I see Kokesh talking to a VFP member and I realized once again that he seems to always be busy plotting but I never get a sense he is moving forward just side ways. I say my good byes to the nice woman and begin to walk towards the good marine and his military comrade. I reach in my pocket and hand him a ball; to which he asks "what is it", to which I reply "magic".
I continue down the hall in order to make my way out of this ugly depressing cavern of confusion. "This place is so gross", I think as I finally, find the exact exit which is so much easier to escape from then to enter; pull off the lock and push the bike up the hill on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Different place.
Different personality.
Same old song and dance...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
The sky IS falling
Monday, September 15, 2008
Don't Barr me from the story
I did not stay very long after finding the rooms in the back. "The elevator is around the corner", I thought as I made my second right turn past the lobby 30 ft. from the elevators...
I had a brief, terse conversation with this sistah, whose disdain for the proceedings made me question why she had a camera and wanted to 'report' the story. I tried to engage her about the "Barr snub" her take being 'America has never stood for what it meant" which I could sympathize with but damn...as a REPORTER don't you wanna further develop this story. But her type of lefty elitism with "radical hair" never sees "dissenting art" in their camera and pen...just politics. She left a bad taste in my mouth; I turn and thankfully walk into the open elevator.
On the way down to the lobby I stoked up a conversation with a man who was also inside the conference; he thought Paul was doing a service not adding his name preferring to return to congress. I dissented explaining that if things are this dire than the person with the largest voice of "dissent" MUST offer himself no matter the ideological differences. Besides the four candidates had already con sensed on the four principles; also I my comment to his belief that any of the four could not forsake each party to form a "unity" ticket on the grounds of ideology. "If things in Asia heat up; the managed conflict becomes unmanageable then screw abortion we all will be aborted." He agreed, the doors opened we said our good-byes and headed out to the summer mid day sun.
I had parked my bike down on E St. in front of the National Theater; it stood undisturbed ad waiting for me as I changed my shirt and began to push the bike up the hill again to F st. I thought seriously about coming back to cover the Barr conference; my reporters instincts were tingling and since it was just half hour away and I always wanted to spend time at the K&B newsstand on 10Th St. I got on my bike for the quick ride to 10Th St.
On the way towards the K&B, I briefly stopped and spoke with a camera man who had just been inside the presser; we agreed that more was at work than was said and he promised he was going to be there; I thanked him for his openness and continued down F ST. as I briefly got on my bike.
The K&B had the great mix newsstand, smoke shop, and adult arcade in the back: old downtown dc shop for the man who has many "taste"...
I spent a good 25 minutes shooting the shit with "Curt" the grandson operator who was one of the coolest cats I had met here in Capital City in many years. In fact, it was he who suggested that I return to "give em shit" at the Barr presser. I was extremely appreciative of the advice but most of all appreciative of the man who had given it too me.
That place is a "godsend"!
10, 11, 12, 13Th floor I counted as the doors to the elevator opens, I again pass the desk at the lobby turn right and head to the small conference room at the back. Unlike the much larger and wealthier Paul ensemble the Barr Campaign had a table set out front with eats an drinks. Seeing my arrival is directly on the nose I grab a small ginger ale and step inside the open door in the back. As I take a small sip of the soda I hear my name: "Allen" I look over and seated in the last row was Adam Kokesh I signal my acknowledgment as the conference begins to open.
At the podium stood candidate Barr and his campaign manager Russ Verney, who I remember from the Perot campaigns of the early 1990's. The two old pros' stood side by side as Barr read his announcement. Using words like "bold"and phrases such as "votes equal power" and "strong change demands tremendous opportunity" he quickly began to define himself against the earlier group which to his credit did not offer anything bold in that they had an agenda but no consensus candidates to promote it in this time of crisis. I tended to agree with his read on this election; it does demand a strong candidate who will command the attention of an electorate that is in need of leadership for these crisis ridden times. To further highlight the split with the earlier crowd headed by Paul he quotes extensively from a Ron Paul letter from 1987, in which he says "change from the outside" is not possible. Barr uses this to prove his point: no real change can be possible from inside the two, large parties; this from author Ron Paul himself. This obvious dig at Paul strikes at his character, an attack I could agree with in principle nut tactically I had reservations. Because he was not only dismissing his current activities during the past year but also his integrity; was calling him a hypocrite...
Hardcore and juicy!
The first question dealt with the obvious: why did he not attend the earlier press conference?
To which he replied " that amorphous gathering does not offer a direct aggressive leadership" adding he support the agenda but not the format being offered earlier.
I was able to quest third and it spoke to my earlier questions to Paul: you stated during your speech that you believe that it will take aggressive and bold leadership; now if it shows that the other candidate have brought that to the point that they have risen in the polls can you step aside and support them or is you candidacy so important and the Libertarian agenda too that your candidacy must go forward to election?
Without a pause he answered:Yes to the latter....
Wow, thought, that was firm and definitive something I did admire him for in relation to his speech. But I did not like the tack; the nation is in dire circumstances and unified ticket could help bring about realignment and a long tern change in our system. But his answer did not for bode this tactic.
His unwillingness to compromise brought out the dissenters from amongst the crowd. Adam Kokesh stood and demanded "why he would not work with Paul instead of dividing the Libertarians?" After being told to sit, his persistence pays as they answer his question: " we cannot see a way to compromise". With his dismissal Kokesh withdraws his support and bitterly sits down. Another man seated a row ahead of Kokesh follows suit re claiming his endorsement too.
The last round of questions deals with the growing acrimony between he and Paul which the former Representative from Georgia deftly side steps as he assures the audience that he has no animosity for Paul. If fact he had offered the Vice Presidential spot on the ticket which he reminds us Paul declined.
After the questions had been sufficiently answered the conference ends. As quickly as it ends, Kokesh stand gathers his things and leaves; I ask him as he abruptly leaves " what do you think" to which he replies "it stinks" as he blows by.
I wanted to continue our conversation but he was in a hurry; I was not going to rush and just hopped the elevators were their customary slow selves. "Good" I thought as the doors were just about to open as I walk behind him. He, the other former Barr supporter myself and a young Asian man get on. i quickly ask the other dissenter his impression; he remarks how dissatisfied he was in the performance. i g on to suggest that no one today offered much in the way of unifying behind a ticket to challenge the status quo: same old "Washingtoon" I said.
To which the silent Kokesh said: you are right...
We all exit the elevator still debating future moves; no one felt assure of the future seeing only division and chances left standing alone on used podiums.
As we walked out into the mid day sun Kokesh turns and asks me if I am going to the Kucinich conference at the Rayburn building. To which I say" I guess so"; I was on a roll and I never get a chance to spend any time in action with the marine and besides...what else was I gonna do.
I agree turning with him, and the Asian man, and head up 14Th St.; marching forward to slay another dragon he feels stands stubbornly in his way. If he only knew that theyalways disappear just as he is about to strike a real blow...
I had a brief, terse conversation with this sistah, whose disdain for the proceedings made me question why she had a camera and wanted to 'report' the story. I tried to engage her about the "Barr snub" her take being 'America has never stood for what it meant" which I could sympathize with but damn...as a REPORTER don't you wanna further develop this story. But her type of lefty elitism with "radical hair" never sees "dissenting art" in their camera and pen...just politics. She left a bad taste in my mouth; I turn and thankfully walk into the open elevator.
On the way down to the lobby I stoked up a conversation with a man who was also inside the conference; he thought Paul was doing a service not adding his name preferring to return to congress. I dissented explaining that if things are this dire than the person with the largest voice of "dissent" MUST offer himself no matter the ideological differences. Besides the four candidates had already con sensed on the four principles; also I my comment to his belief that any of the four could not forsake each party to form a "unity" ticket on the grounds of ideology. "If things in Asia heat up; the managed conflict becomes unmanageable then screw abortion we all will be aborted." He agreed, the doors opened we said our good-byes and headed out to the summer mid day sun.
I had parked my bike down on E St. in front of the National Theater; it stood undisturbed ad waiting for me as I changed my shirt and began to push the bike up the hill again to F st. I thought seriously about coming back to cover the Barr conference; my reporters instincts were tingling and since it was just half hour away and I always wanted to spend time at the K&B newsstand on 10Th St. I got on my bike for the quick ride to 10Th St.
On the way towards the K&B, I briefly stopped and spoke with a camera man who had just been inside the presser; we agreed that more was at work than was said and he promised he was going to be there; I thanked him for his openness and continued down F ST. as I briefly got on my bike.
The K&B had the great mix newsstand, smoke shop, and adult arcade in the back: old downtown dc shop for the man who has many "taste"...
I spent a good 25 minutes shooting the shit with "Curt" the grandson operator who was one of the coolest cats I had met here in Capital City in many years. In fact, it was he who suggested that I return to "give em shit" at the Barr presser. I was extremely appreciative of the advice but most of all appreciative of the man who had given it too me.
That place is a "godsend"!
10, 11, 12, 13Th floor I counted as the doors to the elevator opens, I again pass the desk at the lobby turn right and head to the small conference room at the back. Unlike the much larger and wealthier Paul ensemble the Barr Campaign had a table set out front with eats an drinks. Seeing my arrival is directly on the nose I grab a small ginger ale and step inside the open door in the back. As I take a small sip of the soda I hear my name: "Allen" I look over and seated in the last row was Adam Kokesh I signal my acknowledgment as the conference begins to open.
At the podium stood candidate Barr and his campaign manager Russ Verney, who I remember from the Perot campaigns of the early 1990's. The two old pros' stood side by side as Barr read his announcement. Using words like "bold"and phrases such as "votes equal power" and "strong change demands tremendous opportunity" he quickly began to define himself against the earlier group which to his credit did not offer anything bold in that they had an agenda but no consensus candidates to promote it in this time of crisis. I tended to agree with his read on this election; it does demand a strong candidate who will command the attention of an electorate that is in need of leadership for these crisis ridden times. To further highlight the split with the earlier crowd headed by Paul he quotes extensively from a Ron Paul letter from 1987, in which he says "change from the outside" is not possible. Barr uses this to prove his point: no real change can be possible from inside the two, large parties; this from author Ron Paul himself. This obvious dig at Paul strikes at his character, an attack I could agree with in principle nut tactically I had reservations. Because he was not only dismissing his current activities during the past year but also his integrity; was calling him a hypocrite...
Hardcore and juicy!
The first question dealt with the obvious: why did he not attend the earlier press conference?
To which he replied " that amorphous gathering does not offer a direct aggressive leadership" adding he support the agenda but not the format being offered earlier.
I was able to quest third and it spoke to my earlier questions to Paul: you stated during your speech that you believe that it will take aggressive and bold leadership; now if it shows that the other candidate have brought that to the point that they have risen in the polls can you step aside and support them or is you candidacy so important and the Libertarian agenda too that your candidacy must go forward to election?
Without a pause he answered:Yes to the latter....
Wow, thought, that was firm and definitive something I did admire him for in relation to his speech. But I did not like the tack; the nation is in dire circumstances and unified ticket could help bring about realignment and a long tern change in our system. But his answer did not for bode this tactic.
His unwillingness to compromise brought out the dissenters from amongst the crowd. Adam Kokesh stood and demanded "why he would not work with Paul instead of dividing the Libertarians?" After being told to sit, his persistence pays as they answer his question: " we cannot see a way to compromise". With his dismissal Kokesh withdraws his support and bitterly sits down. Another man seated a row ahead of Kokesh follows suit re claiming his endorsement too.
The last round of questions deals with the growing acrimony between he and Paul which the former Representative from Georgia deftly side steps as he assures the audience that he has no animosity for Paul. If fact he had offered the Vice Presidential spot on the ticket which he reminds us Paul declined.
After the questions had been sufficiently answered the conference ends. As quickly as it ends, Kokesh stand gathers his things and leaves; I ask him as he abruptly leaves " what do you think" to which he replies "it stinks" as he blows by.
I wanted to continue our conversation but he was in a hurry; I was not going to rush and just hopped the elevators were their customary slow selves. "Good" I thought as the doors were just about to open as I walk behind him. He, the other former Barr supporter myself and a young Asian man get on. i quickly ask the other dissenter his impression; he remarks how dissatisfied he was in the performance. i g on to suggest that no one today offered much in the way of unifying behind a ticket to challenge the status quo: same old "Washingtoon" I said.
To which the silent Kokesh said: you are right...
We all exit the elevator still debating future moves; no one felt assure of the future seeing only division and chances left standing alone on used podiums.
As we walked out into the mid day sun Kokesh turns and asks me if I am going to the Kucinich conference at the Rayburn building. To which I say" I guess so"; I was on a roll and I never get a chance to spend any time in action with the marine and besides...what else was I gonna do.
I agree turning with him, and the Asian man, and head up 14Th St.; marching forward to slay another dragon he feels stands stubbornly in his way. If he only knew that theyalways disappear just as he is about to strike a real blow...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Pressing the politicians for the truth. part:1
What a day, Wednesday, September 10: as beautiful a sunny late summer morning as you will find here in your nations capitol. I had received an invitation by the Paul campaign to attend a press conference which, "promised to be one for the ages" and deep impact on this and future elections." 'Great' I thought as I made sure to RSVP and make sure my body was out of the house by 9 am to make the 40 minute bike ride to corner of 14Th and F St. NW.
It had been some time since I had been inside the Press Club; in fact I had not worn my reporters cap in years and I was anxious to get my questions and to be welcomed, by invitation, at such an august location: the ballroom I was later to learn is 2000 dollars an hour to rent!
I arrived inside the building and checked the multi-screened display in the lobby, that was tuned to various news feeds; "ten minutes till the hour" I thought, as I paused for a moment to catch my breath. This allowed me to also begin to mentally prepare my reporter's personae a old school story finder who is NOT... afraid to cut into a politicians "spiel" AND to squirm in a follow-up.
I begin to wander around, following a portly shaped man who seems to be heading in the direction I was to follow; we both end up stopping at a large meeting room that stood at the mid point of a long corridor of doors that led to various meeting rooms being used that day. "Nice" I thought, as I enter the well attended meeting room; I eye a good seat in front and began my preparations for the Dr. Paul's announcement. As I look up from my notes to survey the crowd, I notice how large it was(more than half of the 200 seats filled) and also how professionally lit was the room: no wonder, I thought, look at all the cameras gathered in back.
As I returned my eyes to the podium I smirked to myself, " great spot to hurl questions, first row seat 5, stage left..."
Like most events of this type, it is as much social gathering as media event; many small groups of associates milling in back, chatting or passing political candidate cards.
One of which I was to receive shortly after engaging in dialogue with a blue suited fellow sitting to my left; he was a candidate of the "Independent Greens"-not to be confused with the "Green" party- and also a supporter of drafting Michael Bloomberg as President of the United States.
I listened impatiently as he tried to convince me of Bloomberg's viability as a candidate. I try not to sound to dismissive when I politely yet in my slightly smug DC natives tongue: he has as much chance as I do of being president. "Putting his policies aside, do you really think a SINGLE 60 year old Jewish man from New York has any chance in hell of being President of the United States... especially as a Republican. The incredulous look on his face does not stop me from adding, "he needs to find a wife or at least find someone to stand next to him...like Kucinich."
On cue a woman sits to my right, who ironically is also running for higher office, hands me her card and introduces herself as "Gail Parker". She too is an Independent Green and a supporter of the "Mussolini of Manhattan", Michael Bloomberg.
Well, unlike most events such as this, it nearly starts on time; five minutes or so past showtime I notice the good doctor standing off stage talking with one of his aides; he departs the aide walks onto the stage, stands at the podium and begins the conference as the cameras begin to roll...
After a short introduction concerning format, he points out the information we all received upon seating: "The American Majority" a speech to be delivered with slight deviations by Paul and a list of four principles(foreign policy,privacy, national debt, federal reserve) that the conference was to highlight. Moreover, it was to be quickly learned that they were a "consensus statement" of principles supported by the three other candidates.
With that done Congressman Paul is introduced as the crowd begins to stand and cheer as if at a rally. Which he chastises at the beginning of his speech. He begins to repeat almost verbatim the speech that was distributed; one very important diviations happens when he repeats the quote from Professor Carroll Quigley author of Tragedy and Hope which adorns the top of the page.
Quigley was an internationalist insider; a professor of History (Princeton /Georgetown)whose insightful books brought the inner workings of the world elite to light. The headlining of his quote, signified to me that the good doctor was prepared to "rhetorically"open the doors for real change; he was going to put the current political "campaign" in the light as a contrived show where according to Quigley, "the American people can 'throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."
He spoke eloquently; pointing out that "the real issues are buried in a barrage of miscellaneous nonsense" and "the truth is that our two-party system(is none) offers no real choice".
Furthrmore, he repeats George Wallace's famous phrase in describing the two large minor party's as "not a dime's worth of difference"; in professional segway he then adds, " there is, though, a difference between the two major candidates and the candidates on third-party tickets and those running as independents."
"Ah -ha", " I thought; he is not running, he is going to lamely pass on the fight to the lessors on the set: the activist in me felt betrayed but the reporter was energized to see how deep his commitment is to REAL CHANGE...
He went to say, "they all stood for challenging the status quo" and we must "maximize the total votes of those rejecting the two major candidates". But in doing this he did not offer his name; a name which could offer the strongest challenge supporting change in this election cycle. With his speech done he turned to the other four candidates who were given 10 minutes of so to present themselves and their platform of Independence and change as opposed to the status quo.
McKinney was next. She of the three other candidates spoke most eloquently of why a "Declaration of Independence from the current political order and its leadership" was a needed remedy. Moreover, she correctly advised that we the people should "vote our values" to have a change in politics which gives "power over public policy". Putting the importance of this maxim in creating change in these turbulent and troubling times; she pointedly adds before closing that Cheney had added two countries to his list of 60 which must be "watched": China and Russia.
Baldwin nominee of the Constitution Party spoke next; he reminded us that the C.P. was the nations third largest party. Also relayed his past ties to the Conservative movement since his graduation from the first class ever at Liberty University, then as a leader of the Moral Majority in 1980.
A personal friend of Paul whom he seems to defer too much for my taste; though not as much as he did at the Revolution march and rally back in July but still seems a hindrance especially considering HE is fighting to be President and not the good doctor. He ends his shorter and milder critique of the status quo with :No New World Order!
Now THAT is an American conservative!
Last was the iconic Ralph Nader (read this) who stuck to his traditional progressive themes during his talk. Saying correctly that, "the Constitution being nullified and twisted" and the "bill of rights is being violated extensively by this White House" . Which he thought alone deserved impeachment proceedings brought against it. He even managed to elicit cheers when he mentioned that instead donning a flag pin closed to his heart he preferred the constitution which he deftly lifts out of his outer coat pocket. With his speech finished we quickly go to questions and answers and here things really start to get interesting:
One question was about vote sharing another had to do with the actions in Georgia: Paul answers that the administration was clueless that its actions are exacerbating the situation but he assures us that many in congress have taken a step back from the heated approach. McKinney speaks about the need to bring openness and truth to the process: millions of voters were disenfranchised in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 04 with voting machines being the culprit in that state.
The most interesting questions concerned the conversation he had with the McCain campaign and absence of Libertarian candidate Bob Barr. Paul stated to the former that he "was asked to endorse McCain" to which he replied "no"; seeing a chance for follow-up I jumped in off mike (6:15 into the clip) and caught his attention: so do you plan on any endorsement: "no" he said looking directly at me. I follow again: do you plan on endorsing anyone -waving towards those behind him- before the election season ends:'no I do not" he says as he turns and faces the crowd...
"Got it", I had gotten the confirmation on his urgency about this nation; the loudest voice in the field was sitting out and not even lending his weight, by supporting another candidate. If he truly feared for this nation then at least he could have promised to endorse at least one of this gang of four...
The latter question concerning Barr piggybacked on this revelation; his absence was a slight; though his campaign manager Russ Verney issued a statement which Paul paraphrased: 'Barr is in absolute support of the principles'. But if so why not show up?
There is a split in the camp and later I will expose the principles and the personalities involved in this growing gap for those who supposedly support real change inside the United States of America.
Impressively the show is ended on time; we were reminded that the time on the space was over and the good doctor thanked us for attending; the heavily partisan crowd rises again in applause as the candidates stand and chat amongst themselves looking ahead to the post press conference rush of journalist and fans.
I briefly chatted with the woman next to me as I gathered my things. In leaving the ballroom I decide to jump into a smaller side room where a group of CNN journalist were discussing topics and making presentations; while snooping out that situation, I snatch a cup of good coffee and wait until I am allowed a inauspicious time to leave. Luckily, they break after 3 minutes, when I easily slide out with the rushing crowd. Due to the coffee I immediately have to I find a bathroom. Ironically while searching on the other side of the club, I discover it, as well as a much smaller press club room reserved at 12 pm for libertarian candidate, Bob Barr...
It had been some time since I had been inside the Press Club; in fact I had not worn my reporters cap in years and I was anxious to get my questions and to be welcomed, by invitation, at such an august location: the ballroom I was later to learn is 2000 dollars an hour to rent!
I arrived inside the building and checked the multi-screened display in the lobby, that was tuned to various news feeds; "ten minutes till the hour" I thought, as I paused for a moment to catch my breath. This allowed me to also begin to mentally prepare my reporter's personae a old school story finder who is NOT... afraid to cut into a politicians "spiel" AND to squirm in a follow-up.
I begin to wander around, following a portly shaped man who seems to be heading in the direction I was to follow; we both end up stopping at a large meeting room that stood at the mid point of a long corridor of doors that led to various meeting rooms being used that day. "Nice" I thought, as I enter the well attended meeting room; I eye a good seat in front and began my preparations for the Dr. Paul's announcement. As I look up from my notes to survey the crowd, I notice how large it was(more than half of the 200 seats filled) and also how professionally lit was the room: no wonder, I thought, look at all the cameras gathered in back.
As I returned my eyes to the podium I smirked to myself, " great spot to hurl questions, first row seat 5, stage left..."
Like most events of this type, it is as much social gathering as media event; many small groups of associates milling in back, chatting or passing political candidate cards.
One of which I was to receive shortly after engaging in dialogue with a blue suited fellow sitting to my left; he was a candidate of the "Independent Greens"-not to be confused with the "Green" party- and also a supporter of drafting Michael Bloomberg as President of the United States.
I listened impatiently as he tried to convince me of Bloomberg's viability as a candidate. I try not to sound to dismissive when I politely yet in my slightly smug DC natives tongue: he has as much chance as I do of being president. "Putting his policies aside, do you really think a SINGLE 60 year old Jewish man from New York has any chance in hell of being President of the United States... especially as a Republican. The incredulous look on his face does not stop me from adding, "he needs to find a wife or at least find someone to stand next to him...like Kucinich."
On cue a woman sits to my right, who ironically is also running for higher office, hands me her card and introduces herself as "Gail Parker". She too is an Independent Green and a supporter of the "Mussolini of Manhattan", Michael Bloomberg.
Well, unlike most events such as this, it nearly starts on time; five minutes or so past showtime I notice the good doctor standing off stage talking with one of his aides; he departs the aide walks onto the stage, stands at the podium and begins the conference as the cameras begin to roll...
After a short introduction concerning format, he points out the information we all received upon seating: "The American Majority" a speech to be delivered with slight deviations by Paul and a list of four principles(foreign policy,privacy, national debt, federal reserve) that the conference was to highlight. Moreover, it was to be quickly learned that they were a "consensus statement" of principles supported by the three other candidates.
With that done Congressman Paul is introduced as the crowd begins to stand and cheer as if at a rally. Which he chastises at the beginning of his speech. He begins to repeat almost verbatim the speech that was distributed; one very important diviations happens when he repeats the quote from Professor Carroll Quigley author of Tragedy and Hope which adorns the top of the page.
Quigley was an internationalist insider; a professor of History (Princeton /Georgetown)whose insightful books brought the inner workings of the world elite to light. The headlining of his quote, signified to me that the good doctor was prepared to "rhetorically"open the doors for real change; he was going to put the current political "campaign" in the light as a contrived show where according to Quigley, "the American people can 'throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."
He spoke eloquently; pointing out that "the real issues are buried in a barrage of miscellaneous nonsense" and "the truth is that our two-party system(is none) offers no real choice".
Furthrmore, he repeats George Wallace's famous phrase in describing the two large minor party's as "not a dime's worth of difference"; in professional segway he then adds, " there is, though, a difference between the two major candidates and the candidates on third-party tickets and those running as independents."
"Ah -ha", " I thought; he is not running, he is going to lamely pass on the fight to the lessors on the set: the activist in me felt betrayed but the reporter was energized to see how deep his commitment is to REAL CHANGE...
He went to say, "they all stood for challenging the status quo" and we must "maximize the total votes of those rejecting the two major candidates". But in doing this he did not offer his name; a name which could offer the strongest challenge supporting change in this election cycle. With his speech done he turned to the other four candidates who were given 10 minutes of so to present themselves and their platform of Independence and change as opposed to the status quo.
McKinney was next. She of the three other candidates spoke most eloquently of why a "Declaration of Independence from the current political order and its leadership" was a needed remedy. Moreover, she correctly advised that we the people should "vote our values" to have a change in politics which gives "power over public policy". Putting the importance of this maxim in creating change in these turbulent and troubling times; she pointedly adds before closing that Cheney had added two countries to his list of 60 which must be "watched": China and Russia.
Baldwin nominee of the Constitution Party spoke next; he reminded us that the C.P. was the nations third largest party. Also relayed his past ties to the Conservative movement since his graduation from the first class ever at Liberty University, then as a leader of the Moral Majority in 1980.
A personal friend of Paul whom he seems to defer too much for my taste; though not as much as he did at the Revolution march and rally back in July but still seems a hindrance especially considering HE is fighting to be President and not the good doctor. He ends his shorter and milder critique of the status quo with :No New World Order!
Now THAT is an American conservative!
Last was the iconic Ralph Nader (read this) who stuck to his traditional progressive themes during his talk. Saying correctly that, "the Constitution being nullified and twisted" and the "bill of rights is being violated extensively by this White House" . Which he thought alone deserved impeachment proceedings brought against it. He even managed to elicit cheers when he mentioned that instead donning a flag pin closed to his heart he preferred the constitution which he deftly lifts out of his outer coat pocket. With his speech finished we quickly go to questions and answers and here things really start to get interesting:
One question was about vote sharing another had to do with the actions in Georgia: Paul answers that the administration was clueless that its actions are exacerbating the situation but he assures us that many in congress have taken a step back from the heated approach. McKinney speaks about the need to bring openness and truth to the process: millions of voters were disenfranchised in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 04 with voting machines being the culprit in that state.
The most interesting questions concerned the conversation he had with the McCain campaign and absence of Libertarian candidate Bob Barr. Paul stated to the former that he "was asked to endorse McCain" to which he replied "no"; seeing a chance for follow-up I jumped in off mike (6:15 into the clip) and caught his attention: so do you plan on any endorsement: "no" he said looking directly at me. I follow again: do you plan on endorsing anyone -waving towards those behind him- before the election season ends:'no I do not" he says as he turns and faces the crowd...
"Got it", I had gotten the confirmation on his urgency about this nation; the loudest voice in the field was sitting out and not even lending his weight, by supporting another candidate. If he truly feared for this nation then at least he could have promised to endorse at least one of this gang of four...
The latter question concerning Barr piggybacked on this revelation; his absence was a slight; though his campaign manager Russ Verney issued a statement which Paul paraphrased: 'Barr is in absolute support of the principles'. But if so why not show up?
There is a split in the camp and later I will expose the principles and the personalities involved in this growing gap for those who supposedly support real change inside the United States of America.
Impressively the show is ended on time; we were reminded that the time on the space was over and the good doctor thanked us for attending; the heavily partisan crowd rises again in applause as the candidates stand and chat amongst themselves looking ahead to the post press conference rush of journalist and fans.
I briefly chatted with the woman next to me as I gathered my things. In leaving the ballroom I decide to jump into a smaller side room where a group of CNN journalist were discussing topics and making presentations; while snooping out that situation, I snatch a cup of good coffee and wait until I am allowed a inauspicious time to leave. Luckily, they break after 3 minutes, when I easily slide out with the rushing crowd. Due to the coffee I immediately have to I find a bathroom. Ironically while searching on the other side of the club, I discover it, as well as a much smaller press club room reserved at 12 pm for libertarian candidate, Bob Barr...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I got something to tell you...
I am going to post tomorrow on my day spent yesterday amongst Ron Paul, McKinney, Baldwin, Nader, Barr, at the National Press Club; and later on the hill at a Kucinich meeting...
My political "senses" were definitely tingling; my questions pointed; and I hope to bring insight to the goings on, that should give you a better read on these candidates and their program to possibly save the Republic.
My political "senses" were definitely tingling; my questions pointed; and I hope to bring insight to the goings on, that should give you a better read on these candidates and their program to possibly save the Republic.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Burn paper Burn
Yes it is time to burn all those interest bearing notes authorized and printed by Central Bank authority.
Leading to the hyperinflationary devaluation of the US dollars and subsequent inflating of real assets(food clothing tools) in the marketplace for human production and re-production.
Match no 2 has to be for the Dodd-Frank bill which gave the office of the Presidency and the time wizards of the central bank, power which they will wield ruthlessly.
Match 3 is for the federal reserve act: unconstitutional and treasonous!
But who gives a shit about that--certainly not those cowards in that "haunted house" on the Hill!
Screw em; keep builiding a new world: buy food stock and prepare for the great leap forward!
Stop playing there game; turn your back on ths sick tragedy...before they star u in THE Holocaust!
So take the time, to take SOME of those dollars out of circulation: one Federal reserve note at a time!
Return the money to the people; return the power of credit to the US Congress
Burn baby, burn!!!
Leading to the hyperinflationary devaluation of the US dollars and subsequent inflating of real assets(food clothing tools) in the marketplace for human production and re-production.
Match no 2 has to be for the Dodd-Frank bill which gave the office of the Presidency and the time wizards of the central bank, power which they will wield ruthlessly.
Match 3 is for the federal reserve act: unconstitutional and treasonous!
But who gives a shit about that--certainly not those cowards in that "haunted house" on the Hill!
Screw em; keep builiding a new world: buy food stock and prepare for the great leap forward!
Stop playing there game; turn your back on ths sick tragedy...before they star u in THE Holocaust!
So take the time, to take SOME of those dollars out of circulation: one Federal reserve note at a time!
Return the money to the people; return the power of credit to the US Congress
Burn baby, burn!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I just hope I get a little flooding
Oh the rain is really coming down today; we are experiencing what is left of hurricane "Hannah"...
And I cannot hope for perfection; a little flooding though not desirable is better than what I experienced last MAY when I and the basement I live in were flooded. Though anything negative life gives you has the potential to be turned into a positive: I took the flooding theme and painted a mural on one of my walls: "the birth of Eden". This was all possible by the wet, damp and messy(birth) conditions I had found myself during those days of May. But what choice did I have, I was powerless and had to submit to a higher authority; learn and transform myself and my physical reality, growing in the process: lemons into lemonade!
Let's just hope people and property are are safe and sound as she mercilessly passes through and on her merry way out to the North Atlantic.
Well "Hannah" is one fierce, sister...but so is SHE!
And I cannot hope for perfection; a little flooding though not desirable is better than what I experienced last MAY when I and the basement I live in were flooded. Though anything negative life gives you has the potential to be turned into a positive: I took the flooding theme and painted a mural on one of my walls: "the birth of Eden". This was all possible by the wet, damp and messy(birth) conditions I had found myself during those days of May. But what choice did I have, I was powerless and had to submit to a higher authority; learn and transform myself and my physical reality, growing in the process: lemons into lemonade!
Let's just hope people and property are are safe and sound as she mercilessly passes through and on her merry way out to the North Atlantic.
Well "Hannah" is one fierce, sister...but so is SHE!
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