Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Busy busy busy

I have been very busy the past 3 weeks: from Blacksburg Virginia the first wek to visit Virgina Tech, then to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania: a great American city...

I also re-ignited my activist past, by attending activist rallies, both originating in Lafayette Park, which is across from the White House. The first was on September 11th, and was sponsore by the 911 truth movement. I never like to go as an spectator because I believe that especially in Washington DC an action in support of ones belief is possible at any place and time. So I got my copy of the Declaration of Independence and began to "read" in front of the White House for all including our abomination President to hear.

How things had changed in my hometown in those 6 years since those much things have been altered since that fateful day. There is now a tense subtle "fear" for anyone who comes to observe the house of the President; in fact I was confronted by 5 bicycled police about my speach but thank god for the constitution and the crowd that gathered to hear: both made any attempt at harasement by the cops unlikely. Moreover, I became further empowered by each word I spoke because it reminded me and all those who could hear even though over 200 years have passed, we still are under the grip of a tyranical George.

6 years ago, the streets of Washington DC filled with cars because the establishment had abandoned the city: the US Capitol was surrounded by police(?); 17th steet and Pennsylvania, 1 block from the White house was a parking lot, which I observed by bike after making my way across the 14th street bridge to see the Pentagton, through the LBJ parkway and into the city via the Roosevelt Bridge.

As I had predicted years in advance, the powers that be, like in New Orleans: Left us to fend for ourselves!!

And miss George Bush was hiding in Nebraska: some Cowboy President!

I finisihed my own personal action and then made my way across the street for the rally and the speeches of those who dared to question the offical story coming from the powers that be!

"We the People", have not been given the whole truth about that day; it is up to you and me to find out and then ACT on our own!

Continuing my week of action, I went to the ANSWER coalition march and rally led by the Iraqi Veterans Against WAr(IVAW); the march was forgetful but the "Action" at the Capitol was right on point: mass die-in and arrest led by the men and women of IVAW.
Though the arrest by the shameful Captiol Hill Police is like nothing I have seen since the Rodney King riots in San Francisco in 1992.

They fucked with us inside the holding garage at half and K st. sw. DC: 6 hours held without process; the cops spent 5 of those hours, as they processed us slowly, watching us as they surrounded the room. We were all seated into 3 groups and sat into chairs which were in the middle according to the bus or van we had arrived. It was a mini gitmo...
Besides given 1 bottle of water, we were just seated and asked to wait until they decided to process us out; this lasted 5 hours with many inside showing the frustrations of anyone who had not eaten or been able to act freely for at least 6 hours...
I had seen this stuff before but still I had my moments, though nothing to further incarcerate myself; many inside errupted with anger though some like IVAW citizen soldier Mallard found ironic humor to this display of petty force.
I was cited out at 5 am; i will appear in court onnoctober 25th to answer for my "crimes".

The Capitol Hill police should be ashamed of themselves but considering they work for the members of Congress, it correctly charaterizes how "WE the people " are viewed: nuisances

I am glad I participated in these actions; it gave me a reminder of the price I have and will continue to make inorder for the promise of the country is to be fulfilled.
Friends, the powers that be are using "war" as a tool of destruction bringing about the "NEW World Order" a phrase first uttered by George Bush I in 1991; this horror is being brought to the people of the Middle East as a agent of change by blood and terror.

I will post further on this subject but will use the next 2 to show how these same malevolent forces also use "plague" to mislead and cull humanity so that their offspring can rule tomorrow as they rule today...

Keep your constitution close and your faith in truth closer...

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