Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Dissent...

Disenters, heretics, unbelivers...these are just some of the names of those who decide to challenge the official "story"

This is true of AIDS as well; there are many who challenge the official story presented by those in high places. In the AIDS community this is found in two groups: the larger and most known,'HIV does not cause AIDS' group and the smaller set which does believe in the virulency of HIV but wants to expose its malevolent creation and the dark forces behind its genocidal introduction into the human population...

The former belives, that it is more than just the virus and subsequently documents the evidence that supports their claim that it is the use of recreational drugs(anyl nitrates, amphetemines), multiple sex partners and toxic "remedies"(AZT) provided by the system which is causing immuno supression-- leading to "AIDS", ultimately resulting in death.

It is this group I will expose first leaving the latter for the next post; ultimately using both sides to better present how this "plague" is used to destroy the future for the many but also creating wealth, power and life to the very few...

The High Priest of Dissent: Dr. Peter Duesberg

Dr. Peter Duesberg, Ph.d of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University California Berkeley, isolated the first cancer gene through his work while working on retroviruses in 1970. He also mapped the genetic structure of these viruses. Elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986, he challenged the 'HIVdoes not cause AIDS' hypothesis in the pages of such journals as "The Lancet", "Cancer Research", and the "New England Journal of Medicine". This contention is championed by other whistle blowers with similar medical/research backgrounds. Men such as Dr. Gordon Stewert, of Glasgow University share similar observations.

Their data goes in detail advising individuals, groups, governmental and non-governmental, how to make a paradigm shift, so WE the people can develop proper strategies which can defeat AIDS in the developing world and more importantly the developing sections on this planet:

In Africa and Asia, cases are reported with equal frequency in both males and females; homosexuality and the use of rec drugs are uncommon as risk factors. Instead of Western opportunitstic infections(OI's) such as K.S. and P.C.P. being reported it is instead Tuberculosis(TB), MALNUTRITION, Diarreha, and exhaustion are the main clinical features.

The resulting deaths are mostly found in young men, women, and most tragically in children!!!

They also present eveidence refuting the belief that SIV is the progenitor of HIV and its subsequent spread from AFRICA to the world!

These are brave people; courageous women and men, who value discussion and evidence they belive will lead to the truth. Currently the AIDS debate has been decided by the global establishment and they have won: now the call is for the distribution of billions of dollars GLOBALLY to save hundreds of millions locally.

When did the United States "win" the fight against AIDS nationally?

The fight to find eveidence to the contrary is difficult to find but when it become available it makes "sense". For example, in 1994 while living here in DC I attended (again) the AIDS Clinical Trials Testing Group(ACTG); while sitting in on a pediatrics seminar with my friends Virgina and Julie, a young researcher from the university of Nebraska said during his presentation that "it is not just the virus":Eureka...I thought.

4 years(at that time) of hittimg my head and other body parts against the wall, had not been in vain!

My comrade Adam G and I had thought similarly for years but older activist, especially treatment activist types would dismiss us.

Moreover, we believed a cure was and is possible; it just had to be "searched" for, AIDS did not need to be a chronic condition--a cure just needed to be discovered. The establishment types even in ACTUP, acepted the belief that a cure was years away, if at all.

When I realized that it was "not just the Virus", I did not go back!

Never stop trusting what you "feel" is right...never stop asking:why?

Never stop Dissenting!!!

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