Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: night, night...

You were 365 days that will never come again: 'adieu' father time, shortly you will awaken a child again, new and ready to begin the journey all over again...
Sleep well

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Keep your chin up, baby!

I love you, I miss you, I hope you return soon...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Alive this Christmas Day

Celebrate, rejoice this Christmas: the birth of the "Sun"
I have already eatin so much; I hope things slow down but maybe I will continue with the spirit and eat, eat, eat...

Merry Christmas!
Peace and Love
ps: the document proved me right

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday pt 2

I made a call today to the office of DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton; the receptionist(consumate professional) was about to call me, to inform me that she had received information to my query from earlier in the week. Delighted in my timing she faxed the information, which was decently presented via fax, but I needed the "clean" copy directly from her office.
I biked over arriving about 2:30 pm, at the Rayburn office building. From my initial scanning I believe my hunch was correct about the so called "law" against distribution of information at the centerpiece in front of the White House...
I will return!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Not one press call was returned after my day of "information" concerning the so called "law" against distributing information at the center spot in front of the White House.
This town is run by dark occult figures that never seem to go away.
I have not been able to edit my post lately, sorry about the previous post and the errors they contain.
Ironically I have been able to focus on editing my book; I still have 670 pages left to edit.
Wish me luck

Monday, December 17, 2007

Day 2

I have been spreading the word about the so called "law" against practicing the first Amendment in front of the White House.
No one in any Congressional Office(DC Delegate Norton was first) I have spoken with has any idea or knowledge; granted those who answer are only staffers but still it is disheartening to find such little awareness on what really is happening "We the People" here in Capital City...
And as I had previously discovered, Pelosi's office was rude and dismissive...
If this keeps up I will have to challenge this directly!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Don't let them tame you!

OK, I have got to be quick: I made my way Tuesday to the Canon House office building to get donations of US Constitutions which obviously contain the first 10 Amendments the Bill of Rights.
I picked the first corridor to my right because if you have or ever go into this building it is impressive with long corridors with high ceilings: beautiful...
Wolf (Va.), Pallone(N.J.), Drier(Ca.), Pelosi (Ca.) were all in a row; I visited and they combined gave me 5 bundles of 50 or 250; though I should say only 3 of those members donated.
Guess whose office did not donate?
So I go outside and begin to offer them at the rate the people walk down Independence Avenue: Armstrong Williams who at first tried to walk through, but I got one in his hand and reminded him to "keep your boy in check with this", as he walked past.
Well after chattin with a golden Eagle family member who seem to be attracted to me cuz of my pro Constitution spin though quickly I get them defensive asking them about Article 1 sec 8 and of course they always say:" they were given authority" which I reply Article 1 section 8: either you support Constitution and law or not: silence: I LOVE IT!
A Californian congresswoman comes to the corner to cross so I offer her a Constitution which she says is great but she has some at the office; we then chat about her not voting for a war which "only congress can authorize"; we agree about the state of the Country. I then ask why she did not run?
Well they won't support us she implored: that is too bad I say.
Before she leaves I roll off the great women from California whom deserve the nomination instead of Hitllary Clinton. She responded: "we have many great women of color from California" to which I agreed. Then I asked as she began to cross the Avenue: why Hillary Clinton? She retraced her steps and leaned over to me and whispered: cuz she is White...
We eyed each other as she turned and confidently crosses the street, making her way to the big house on the Hill.
I hit up a group of kids and then left, and headed to the Supreme Court. I am immediately harassed by a US Capitol Hill cop first for my ID(lost it in a mens room on the way to Pittsburgh)and then was questioned about my actions: you need to have a permit to distribute propaganda which I could not believe was the rule: this is bloody DC.
So I kept on kicking it to the people who walked along 2nd Street. After the first 20 (5 left) I had another visit from 2 cops this time: black woman and white man. Same questions; I gave the same response. After getting rid of the last five I left and went to kick in the real city for where my efforts were greatly appreciated!
Move ahead to Saturday: Bill of Rights Day
I had just finished working out at 1:30 pm and feeling great because snow and rain are forecast and my trip to the White House and back excluding distribution of Constitutions would be at least 1 hour and 15 minutes: still on my schedule to complete the mission.
Anyway, I go out to check my bike in order to tighten a loose screw on my wheel and discover: a flat tire: DAMN
I had to scavenge through years of old patch kits, which I am able to use; I am able to luckily patch the tire and repair the tire: 3:05 it took over an hour but shit I have a mission a head.
I shower, shave and am off at 3:30. Quickly I make my way to the White House--stopping to lock up my bike away from the grounds because of the shit I got from the pigs the last time I was down in front of the white House on 9/11/07.
And unlike last time I could not get my action in full force as I am instantly confronted by a uniformed officer: "it is against the LAW to distribute information in front of the White House".
I have lived here most of my life and this is amazing, a travesty!
Well my confrontation brings re-enforcements: I am surrounded by 6 more and as I debate there acts and defend "ours" continue to distribute what is now unlawful information.
BILL of Rights Day and I cannot legally distribute: The IRONY!
They tried to convince me that I have to move down but I continued to fight for space but they wore me out. I was disheartened because as I fought and slid down from the center space in front of the White House, I offered U.S. Constitutions but was turned down more than supported. How frustrating; I was reminded why I dropped out of full time Activism in 1999 to write my book: the American people are fucking sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And stupid as shit!!!!
I reminded the police that if I got arrested on Bill of Rights Day I would make a huge name for myself and probably destroy them and this "law"; but I would have to get arrested 10 days before Christmas. And with the passive support I was receiving from the passers by I just finished my mission: make the distribution, cause a scene and get home before the rain comes( it was after 5 and it was supposed to arrive at 5). So, I dropped them off and got home by 6:15 after stopping to get some pasta to feed my mom and Zeus too.
This country is doomed because out of the 25 I distributed, only 5-6 people passionately understood why accepting a constitution on Bill of Rights Day especially under the new "law" was patriotic and the "spirit" of the day.
Like turning down a present on Christmas: We the People have lost our Spirit, they have tamed US.
That is why I wanted to get arrested but I have to choose my time and place.
I have been building a nation since the vision I had: San Francisco 1993.

As this nation falls, a new one must be built; the fight is too awaken the people, and in the process transforming whomever sits in high places! We do this by building a new nation upon the greatness of the old Republic.
This past week confirmed everything(good and bad) I have sacrificed, for all these years.
Still I fear for you all: when "We the People" cannot distribute the Constitution in front of the White House then it is time for us to forget the first amendment and sternly endorse the use of the 2nd!
Well, they started it...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Bill of Rights day!

Well the school is still knocking me off so I will post tomorrow about all the shit that has gone down during this momentous "Bill of Rights" holiday week.
Today was Bill of Rights day and boy did it live up to ALL of the "HYPE"...altmost got arrested and the more I think about it I probably should have done it because from where I stood--in front of the White House surrounded by cops-- it is another sign of the death of this society and the continuation of the Age of Apocalypse, leading us into the New World Order!!!

We are gonna have to fight them...ALL

Friday, December 14, 2007


Tomorrow December the 15 is Bill of Rights Day...
I have been distributing copies of the Constitution of the United States which contain the Bill of Rights, around town during this past week.
Also, I have gotten many contacts with great people here in Capital City along with some great stories too.
I will have a detailed post tomorrow and hopefully if the internet service of the school across the street is kind(and not kick me off again) I may post one sooner. Being poor and an activist I depend on the kindness of "strangers" to bring many good tidings to "We the People"...
For some reason after I get updates from Windows I always get kicked off the internet web which extends from the school: go figure!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rest in peace Big Momma...

I was told something that I could hardly believe Friday night: Chery Spector had died 3 months ago.
"No way, not again" I yelled aloud, on 14Th St NW. outside Busboys and Poets. Not Cheryl, whom I had known as friend, activist, and comrade since I had returned to DC in 1993. She was as loving, aware and as powerful a dyke that I had met, not only here in Capital City, but anywhere on this planet...
She was rare because of her unique style and compassion made her stand out,in and about, no matter where she went.
I got home and reluctantly checked and was saddened with the news: another great loving powerful warrior for truth and justice had passed! The last time I had seen her was at Max Lawton's funeral(December 3rd 2006): another friend whom I had lost touch with--and thought "I will see in time"-- and found out indirectly he had passed: DAMN!!!!!!!!!!
Once again I am reminded that life is so precious;I truly miss all my friends...
I love and will always miss you Cheryl,
GOD SPEED,Big Momma, God speed...

how many tears are enough to say: farewell
when do we stop mourning the dead; when do we realize that forever is longer than good bye
how can I say "hello" again: am I still brave enough to "love".
living becomes harder when there is no one left to laugh and cry with, about memories no one remembers...
loneliness is the companion of sorrow: I am lonely again...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Is that the first snow flake?

It is always a special day and night when the first snowfall arrives here in Capital City.

Winter is near: get your coats buttoned up and your hats pulled down because if we are lucky--this is just the beginning of a long cold winter...

Saturday, December 1, 2007

World AIDS Day has so many faces...

Another World AIDS Day has come, and sadly, but predictably, "we the people" get the same lip-service from traiterous national leadership...
Not one US President has fully implemented it's own National Commission on AIDS report since its first commission in 1989(ended in 1993), by federal statue (Public Law 100-607). So frustrating to realize that the same ole shit is still going on today: Fuck em!!
I miss so many people; lost so many great men and women- feel older than I should because death has been my handmaiden: made ghost of all my friends... real people, Great Americans like Steve Michael, Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Hank Card and Max Lawton.
Luckily I can keep them alive in "spirit" because of how I live my life.
Though there are times when I meet some really great people and just wish I could share them with those who are unfortunately gone, to life's glory's.

Like his beautiful blue eyes.

I learned to value the great things God has left for me, and to make "these times" mine too!
Understanding the importance of "today"; to appreciate making this world "more perfect": transforming what is... into what will be.
And is Tetrasil(#5676977) a cure?
I hope so, because no life is lived in vain...
Cherish 'LIFE" and love it!

"Love", every day, because that special and unique emotion is the greatest gift of life...
Peace, love and life to all!
We are guaranteed nothing!!

ps: i still miss my friends

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not Again!

Once again I am reminded that this is a Tragic Age: the death of Sean Taylor strikes at the heart of football fans especially those whom are members of the nation which bleeds Burgundy and Gold.
Rest In peace Sean Taylor...
We will miss you and love U!

time speaks to us most susinctly when a life is in the balance,
loudly with a "smack", "crash", "bang".
then quietly it fades, whispering: one last breath...


Monday, November 26, 2007

Who said 2 pennies aint shit?

There is an old saying: a fool and his money are soon parted...
Well this is a truism that is proven time and time again.
But I have a truism which I learned one day about 9 years ago: a fool cannot tell a gift because he does not value what he is given:
I used to practice a philosophy developed while I was living on the "dole" in San Francisco during the early 1990's. I was a full time AIDS Activist with ACTUP Golden Gate-- living the life of radical in the Baghdad by the Bay. A check twice a month could be stretched for 3 1/2 weeks but the last week or so it was always tough: food lines, food stamp change and good friends.
Therefore, the day before the first of the month I would make sure I spent every cent I had and in most cases I was dropin the pennies and quarters at every spot I could; I reasoned that if the good people of San Francisco could help me to exist as a public citizen doing the work of Jesus than I had a responsibility to drop all there good "spirit" before I would be blessed on the first, check day.
Since I had returned to Capital City in 1993 I had continued this practice though here I had to commit to a degree of employment this being the "most important city in the world":YUCK!!!
Luckily, I was able to find consistent part time employment/part time(1995-07) at a local gay "men's club"; I found a place in town that gave me freedom-could work 12-8 am- tips, and it was strategically located: a center city location so I could make mischief, if I choose...
October 1998, after a 7 month hiatus in which I organized a small "May Day"(may 1st), to also get Books not Bars going, and to concentrate on personal self education; consequently, I had reduced my money capital to 20 dollars.
Realizing that I needed to increase my wealth, I decided that I would return to the club for the 3rd time(6 times in all), though I would have to wait until Monday to get back on schedule.
So, I began practicing the art of redistribution: getting rid of the remains of my "old money."
After a traditional Saturday meet and eat with an old friend on 14th St. NW., I decided to walk towards Connecticut Ave. and 18th street.
While cruising the female strip clubs(sexy guys out front) on 18th and M st. I was approached by this street guy who was spare changing. I am one to "kick-down" because I have had to partake of the First Amendment for change before, so I reached into my pocket and gave him all the money I had on myself: 2 copper pennies!
1 % of all the money I had!!!!!
As I walked away I felt something strike me on my back: the pennies: what the fuck!
He then proceeds to chastise me: 2 cents aint nothing!
I looked at him and said annoyingly: "2 cents is 2 cents, nothing is wonder you are in the condition you are in buddy." This was all I had...
I picked up the 2 cents and walked the 6 miles east to my house, because the bus was $1.10.
I will never forget that night.
A fool and his money are parted because a fool does not value anything he is given...
Never be a fool, value everything given to you and you will always be "rich"!
Peace and love

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Thanksgiving tale from me to U

Giving "thanks" is sometimes easy: when you get something you really like or need. But there are time when you, I, are given something very unsuspecting, resulting in a painful experience which tests the very foundation of your belief in life and death:
An incident occurred to me 2 years ago on a warm DC,"Indian summer" November, very similar to the morning I am experiencing today.
My brother Eric had decided he could not take care of another of his dogs: an Akita named Zeus(why not"fluffy"). Appropriately named, this "hound from hell", this Cerberus, had a fear resulting in anger for anyone he did not know: guess whom he did not know living at our house...
Yup, he did not like me at all; he had a similar disposition to another Akita who had been left at my mom's house whom, I grew to really love, and whom I would take care of from 1995 until his death 1 day before my birthday in 2003: Kojo. They both feared those whom they did not know; each was protective of their personal space and would flinch and especially in the case of Zeus snap and bite if startled: reminded me of an abused child...
These two dogs were so unlike the dogs and cats we grew up with as children whom were like our brothers and sisters
So being around Zeus when he was brought to the house in 2004 with my brother and his wife and child during Christmas was very unsettling; I learned this lesson because every time he saw me as he sat on the porch he "smiled" with his fangs; no joke, he felt threatened by the presence of anyone, even at someone else's house; I was not about to get close to this dog, besides they lived in Boston and I would not have to associate with him except through tales of his through family who did...
In 2005 he came to live at the house because my brother was leaving med school and his residency and his marriages' separation had the family split and guess who got the dog?
Similar to Kojo I was again, given custody of a very large, alienated and hostile animal. And like Kojo, Zeus was going to be caged and if lucky chained in the yard. Having been locked up in a cage before I cannot stand to see anything denied there freedom. So I went about freeing him(as done to Kojo) from his dungeon and then from the chain, spending hours keeping watch to guard his actions as he "patrolled" the yard and barking at anyone who got near his families property. His insecurity and fear was only highlighted by his deep attachment to the bowl which was used for years by Kojo: he would quickly run onto the porch or grab it anytime someone would get remotely close to his "security blanket": sad yet endearing...
Like Kojo, I would take Zeus to Ft. Dupont park which is a federal park here in the city which was one of the forts which bordered the city specifically created to repel Confederate forces during the War between the States, the so called Civil War...
It was here that I had bonded with Ko so I would just recreate the same experiment with Zeus hoping for similar results. Though, unfortunately after a night time attack from Zeus one month after first taking him there in September, I was to discover that his fear and anger was much deeper and to my horror much harsher than anything I had ever experienced.
That night in October left me with bites on my back, hand, and buttocks: they took weeks to heal, though I did not need any stitches this taught me that he is a dog who can be triggered with a gentle touch of a hand to his back side: this dog was full of fear and anger and he did not care if I had facilitated his release from the cage and the leash: he did not know my smell enough and he was to make me pay for invading his "space." I got him to clam down but it took a late night chase in the park and we returned to the house. After checking my wounds and looked out onto the porch where he slept, closely guarding his doggie bowl, his security "blanket": poor Zeus...
Well, weeks passed, and it was a late November morning; a morning in which I had gotten up, made us breakfast and had even gone out to rake the leaves which according to the cities leaf collection guide, had to be out by Monday, for the start of the annual pick up week. I looked over to the park and thought: a great day for a run with Zeus, he had a look about him as he roamed the yard as I raked that he wanted to go for a "walk". A magical word every dog whom has lived at our house knew.
I knew he would be home in the house all day as I had errands to run, a work out at my gym and dinner with an old friend; these would take me away from him for at least 6 hours with him alone inside the house: "ok, Zeus, lets go." As I dropped the rake and grabbed his extended leash(3 feet) he realizing what was to happened ran towards the back gate. He anxious agitation was expressed in every gyration of his body especially with the wagging of his tightly wound tail. He was siked!
Ok, I though, as I snapped the hook onto his metallic collar, which had caused him problems in the past because my mom thought it was too tight and maybe dug into his neck.
So off we went, with me trailing as he ran hurriedly across the 4 lane avenue which runs north- south through the 2 eastern wards of Capital City. I run regularly so the jaunt through the park is great except for the beginning, as the dogs burst, has in the past caught me off guard so I must be ready to sprint though carefully watch the terrain, especially in the dark, because once you get across the street and into the park it slopes downward toward an access road which is used by park service and police towards there compound: 1/3 of a mile up and in the park...
After he and I make our way through the first part of a normally 25 minute jaunt, we turn towards the amphitheatre which borders a creek to the north and a hill side to the south: a valley of sorts that a path has been lain through, one which I love to take my dogs on because especially at night, it is firm footed and reliable. As I had done with ko years earlier I would test my speed and the dog's companionship by letting go and catching him if he got to far in front; usually by stepping on the elongated cord bringing him back in case danger was in sight. Well he was in that danger zone as he ran from the flat grassy area and towards the bend in the path that would either take him deeper into the park or out near the park compound, either way a problem for us both...especially for me. So I stepped down on his long leash as I had done a few days earlier when we had run together, though except this time his yelp(pain) turned into my scream because he turned and attacked: bite on wrist and side of back: I scream !
I retreat towards a tightly wound grove of bushes, corners me, and him with his mouth open; eyes gazing at me . With memories of the attack 6 weeks ago I was just concerned with trying to get him calm and then back home. I wait for a minute or so and then tried to get him to run with his leash in my hand out of the park via the path; he has other ideas as he more violently attacks me and this time... I am in real pain, with deep wounds in left wrist and bites on right hand and wrist and buttocks again: damn!
I run away after pulling and punching myself free; 15 feet or so into the woods I observe my wounds and after watching the blood drip from my deep, deep marks, I realize that I will be recovering for at least 6 months from this attack(still feel 'tweak' while I twist it during this post) and as I watched him stand down in the grassy flatland of the amphitheatre that I had to recapture him because I had brought him over and it was my duty to bring this animal home or die trying because on a day Ike today a child could die...
So I pulled down my sweatshirt sleeves, and slowly walked the 100 feet for so towards Zeus, who has begun to walk slowly towards the entrance where the path diverts into the amphitheatre. As I cautiously make my way, though-prepared to retaliate this time-I would reach down and bit by bit capture his leash; we walked the 1/3 of a mile to the edge of the park, we watch Minnesota avenue which is now teaming with mid day traffic. I could see our yard as we waited for the street to clear. As I looked down at Zeus I could see and feel the blood and pain; my sweatshirt protected my dignity none realized the horror I had experienced. Zeus stood at attention and as I took a step he extended himself to sprint across the street. Seeing a truck approaching at the bottom of this hill, I paused and so did he; at that moment I realized he was so innocent to what lain in our path. I thought for a moment to take a step and let him have that truck:THAT FUCKING DOG HAD NO SYMPATHY FOR ME!!!
But my inner nature said "no"...but boy did I really want to get revenge especially during the next 3 weeks after the stitches and the PAIN!
We crossed the street and I left him on the porch to begin another chapter in what turned out to be a long day with a missed ambulance and a long wait at another emergency room: shesh!
As I write this and remember the good run and warm relations he and I now shared last night(saw a deer) 2 years later I give "Thanks" for him and even the experience . Because I was reminded that even when a relationship is troubled and pain develops their is room for salvation if forgiveness leads the way. In fact, considering how those whom should have been responsible for his behaviour and introduction into this new home treated me after this incident, I am more grateful for my actions because as an animal in a humans world he only acted on his survival instinct; as a human, using the "phoenix effect" based on compassion I was able to create a new relationship; a relationship that today is stronger and one of the most loving in my life: Happy Thanksgiving Zeus!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Peace and love...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Article I part 4

Let's finish: Section 9. The Migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.*
No Tax or Duty shall be laid on articles imported from any State.
No preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over hose f another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular statement an Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of All Public money shall be published from time to time.
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall without Consent of Congress, except any Present, Emolument, Office , or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
Section 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder ex post facto Law or impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any title of Nobility.
No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imports or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws; and the net produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports and Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject for the Revision and Controul of the Congress.
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty on Tonnage, keep Troops. or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
*16th amendment

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Praying for my "piece"

God in heaven I pray to thee,

that you send me this Christmas gift for free


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


does not matter how far
or how long,
or where i find myself, or what I attempt.
I will find you!!
Still I do, make, create: so fucking hard, but my muses' birthing pains scream: Creation!
Old fights still add spice to my life, but baby-- it is still just a diversion; passion fuels my course, love is my guide...
Eveything is your smile; my mind is lost in the glare: I am the luckiest man alive!!
The promise: I will continue slaying the beast and offer its dead carcus as a testimony of my love.
Celebrations, let's celebrate with glee the dead dragon laying lifeless at thy feet; I smile, it being only a simple gesture of my committment; a testimony, and a wedding gift for thee...

I fear nothing since you...
I am invincible, AGAIN!
After all these years, I am reborn.
I am the phoenix!!!

The Man who began to grow

A man saw tomorrow, but nobody would listen...
"Your world is crumbling," he wailed .
But people danced and many just "prayed", though most talked about gossip, lies, and tall tales,
"Oh Casandra," he exclaimed, how prescient you were: tragically, I wear your gown and tears now dampen my face...

They would not worship in their temples; instead, celebrated festivals, foresaking the sacrifices necessary to fufill the covenant. One which they would have hell to pay...

"Blind , blind are thee," he cried, if you will not heed my call then death is YOUR maiden!

He droppeed his head and sighed, picked up his hammer and began to build: the dark shadows are on the horizon, I must prepare; I will create my arc to this new world before the darkness can succeed.

He turned to face the sun: "I cannot reach them," he thought as he lifted his hammer: but I can show them the way.

He lifted his basket of goods and heads home: " I have much to do; first, I must cultivate my soil and grow all I have in my possession."

"And in time if god is just, I will be sent a companion, a mate..."

"I will promote truth and honesty: values practiced by the angels whom walk as men."

I am alpha...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Get off Ya Ass!

If the impeachment of Cheney and Bush is still off the table, then HERS' is there in its place!
Why do you full righted Americans keep sending such hypocritical demons to rule over my hometown: fucking dumbasses!

The power stems from WE THE PEOPLE...

Where have you gone Rep. Louis T McFadden?

What has happened to the Great American People!!!

Get OFF YA ASS!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Arm the people: save a life

Veterans Day, originally Armistice Day named for the Armistice at the end of the first World War: the 11th month on the 11th day, at the 11th hour...
61 million people died: Oh the Horror!
To maintain a free republic the founders feared these foreign wars; they knew that through warfare the lives and the liberties of "we the people" would be diminished; one very important hedge against this usurpation by ruling elites is the 2nd Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
"Before a standing army can rule the people must be disarmed; as they are in altmost every kingdom of Europe. The Supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust law's by the sword because the whole body of the people are armed..." Noah Webster
" A standing army has always been used by despots to enforce their rule and to keep their people under subjection. It's existence was therefore considered a great threat to peace and stability in a republic and a danger to the rights of a nation." Thomas Jeffereson
"A standing army however necessary at times is always a danger to the Liberties of the People...Such a power should be watched with a jealous eye." Sam Adams

Hopefully we the people can remember all those who have died and honor them by restoring the true wisdom of the founders; so in the near future we can stop celebrating the deaths of those whom died in foreign wars, because we the people remembered and honored the spirit of the Constitution...

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Eureka, there is a "Cure", patented by the US government: tetrasil (#5676977).
Go here and add the patent# 5676977.
All brought to my attention by Dr. Boyd Graves.
Spread the word and let us see if this "cure" brings relief to all those suffering from the genocidal condition known as AIDS...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Article I part 3

Let's continue:

Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approves he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House, in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration 2/3 of that House shall agree to pass that Bill, it shall be sent together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved of 2/3 of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively, If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within 10 Days (Sunday excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless Congress by its Adjournment prevent its Return, in which case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary(except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by 2/3 of the Senate and House of representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in Case of a Bill.

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts, and to pay for the Common Defence an General Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing the limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as maybe employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Case whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding 10 square mile) as may, by Cessation of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat f the government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Building;-And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Cut that Damn faucet off!

Rain, rain, come down today, bring water to my glass...
My mouth is dry, my lawns all brown, I need to clean my ASS.
How could this happen to us- we all vote Republican.
and pray, and pray, and pray, all day, kneeling for salvation.
My god, what have we done so wrong to face arid condemnation, the laws of "heaven" are only visited on the hethens of this nation.
Suffering is for "them", we live a self righteous life; never caring what, or for whom, as we saintfully twist the knife.
A lake, a pond, a waterfall, I'll give anything to get wet, if acquifers reach there marks I'll sacrifice my wife.
How do I make this happen, what actions can I do, to get the drought off my back, and prosperity to my life...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Costumes instead of Souls

Samhain, Halloween.
Celebrate, celebrate, eatin' lots of Candy: scary teeth could be your future...wouldn't you look dandy!
Blood rituals every day, let's raise a Cup and drink.
Tasty--and what a Price, babies oh so nice: round, fat, moist and pink!
Howls and screams, mark our betrayal.
Burnt flesh sacrifices; screams in the night: is that johnny's room?!
A new season is upon US; prepare YOUR altar, let the games begin...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Article I part 2

Patriots, Citizens... the lesson continues:
Section 4. The Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at lest once in every Year and such Meeting shall be [on the first Monday in December,]* unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

Section 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, as each House may provide.

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour and with the Concurrence of 2/3, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgement require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Member of either House on any question shall at the Desire of one fifth of those Present be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of congress shall without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than 3 days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Section 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the peace be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

No Senator or Representative shall during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

*Changed by Section 2 of the 20th Amendment.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25th my dear, October the 25th...

FINALLY, a rainy, cloudy day here in Capitol City...
We needed the rain and sure enough we are getting our fair share; the cold and rain is ironically similar to an October 25th back in 1415. The English and French were to meet in a famous battle, the battle at Agincourt on St. Crispens Day...

It was dramatized by Shakespeare in his "King Henry V"; Henry rouses his undermanned English side against the French. With the help of the longbow, the English were to rout the much larger French army in another battle during the bloody Hundred Years War.

Can you image our "boy" President giving such a speech let alone leading his troops in battle:how have things changed!!

Speaking of battlers: the notorious Jeanne Cooper whose legendary feud as Katherine Chancellor with nemesis(now daughter) Jill Foster Abbott has her birthday today; this Grand Dame of Daytime turns another year finer: Happy Birthday, and keep on fightin!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Article I part 1.

Citizens and patriots,

With the devastation and planned chaos spreading, beauty and truth are paramount if "We the People" are to stave off the darkness...
Therefore it is most important to continue the investigation of the Constitution of the United States:
Article I.
Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Section 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State legislature.
No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the age of 25, and been 7 years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not when elected be an Inhabitant of that State on which he shall be chosen.
[Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, 3/5 of all other persons]: (changed by section 2 of the 14th amendment).
The actual Enumeration shall be made within 3 years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of 10 years, in such manner as they shall by Law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every 30,000, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia, ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such vacancies.
The House of Representatives shall chuse their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of Impeachment.
Section 3. the Senate of the United Sates shall be composed of 2 Senators from each State [chosen by the legislature thereof](changed by the 17th Amendment), for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.
Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall vacated at the Expiration of the second year, of the second class at the Expiration at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year;[and if Vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature which shall then fill such Vacancies*(changed by the 17th Amendment)
No persons shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of 30 Years, and been nine Years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.
The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall excuse of the Office of President of the United States.
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. when sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of 2/3 of the Members present.
Judgement in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment, according to Law...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

From me to you...

There are days when you realize that God does grant "blessings" to the faithful and the brave...
I revisited this notion, the day I met you: AMBUSHED, ZAPPED!
Baby,those shoulders, legs, and the hat: WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!!!!
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
I did not feel alone anymore; finally at last
I looked into your eyes and saw eternity!
Oh so deep-- the future!
I do not fear, I "know"
Thank God...
All because of that day...I am reborn again!
Our universes collided
And each time the world rotates another degree
And of God blessses us again, we will shift its course--again!
Peace and luv baby...peace and luv

Friday, October 12, 2007

Which Genocide are the Democrats against?

So let me get this right: the Demoratic Congress decided to pass a resolution condeming TURKISH Genocide... but what about their own?!
Here... here... here...and here!
Somewhere Apocalypse is laughing as the body count goes up and the revenge of the universe continues to wreack havoc on our realm!

We the people had better wake up before it is too late


Who are WE...

The time in which we live is dark and precarious for us as Americans and subsequently for all the people with whom we are engaged; I believe this is attributed to the lost "American Character." We the People are ignorant of who we are and what "character" we must display if we are to be once again a rightous people, though faulted, would still be admired and respected...
As opposed to the tragic character we are today.

What is the "American Character?"

Character, described by "Webster'" as a main or essential nature especially as stongly marked and serving to distinguish...notable or distinguished traits.

The "American Character" used to be distinguished by a love of liberty, anti-war, and freedom demonstrated by the perpetual struggle being waged within our borders. As opposed to the European mind which had grown up accustomed to servitude as serfs and peasants to the landed/financial oligarchy through monarchical rule. Even today they are ruled politically by the weak parliamentary system whose governments are routinely thrown out by scandals "created" by the ruling class whose media organs can expose a "scandal" and force a government to resign: money controlling the will of the people!
The "American Character" is marked by fierce independence which through off the yoke of Despotism and wrote a Constitution which said power emanated from the "We the people" and not from hereditary authority down to the ordinary man and women...
Though you would never know it when viewing how those whom walk in the footsteps of liberty are treated here in Capital City.

If "We the people" are lost to our origainal "character" then it is paramount that a proper re-education is necessary in order for the power of government to be returned to the people; therby putting government in its rightful place. As with any lesson which must be properly learned it is appropriate that we start at the beginning: The Declaration of Independence
A truly great document whose inspiration, I believe was from the great Thomas Paine and his pamphlet "Common Sense"; both documents must be read and practiced by citizens and leaders. By the former to control the latter because it is they whose elitist nature does not want to believe that all are created equal in the eyes of their creator and work tirelessly to usurp the will of the people and subjugate them again to tyrannical rule:modern day Brits who yearn for King George...
This is demonstrated by their dishonest actions across the world!
But we have forgotten who we are; to find out and solve this problem let us go to the book:
HE(George) has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to Civil Power...
HE has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For quatering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us:
For protecting them by a mock Trial from Punishment of any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States...
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended Offences:
HE has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns and destroyed the Lives of our People.
HE has excited domestic Insurection amongst us,...
When juxtaposing 2007 with 1776-7 we can plainly see that not only has time changed but so have "We the People". 231 years later and King George has returned, this time draped in the stars and stripes with a crown of 50 stars in her hair!
Cecil Rhodes would be Proud!!
We the People have lost our "character" which can only be regained through an indepth study of the documents and practice the principles articulated by the Founders of this once great Republic. A wise man once said recently in a speech: "We the people get the government we deserve". The power to change must begin with ourselves...
Let us understand and then promote the best of the "Amercian Character" because our history too is filled with "strange fruit" which tragically AGAIN represents to the world the "American Character"...
The Choice is YOURS!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

No one has died of AIDS yet...

That is right, no one has ever died from "AIDS" because "AIDS" is a condition the body is diagnosed having when one of 32 CDC markers such as CD4 count and/or a number of Opportunistic Infections (O.I.'s) such as Pneumocytis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP), Karposi Sarcoma (KS) or Wasting Syndrome develops.
Now we know that wasting syndrome, or the loss of 10% of lean body mass, leads to "AIDS" and ultimately death. Moreover, MALNUTRITION is the leading cause of viral and bacterial infection in rich, middle, and poor countries. Therefore, an effort to end indivdual and collective malnutrition is paramount if we are to end "AIDS"...
But money- as stated in earlier posts- is spent on very expensive "AIDS" drugs; most are toxic anti-retrovirals, such as AZT; while it is Diarrhea and malnutrition which need to be eliminated first. Two ailments where prophylaxis already exists by providing clean water and nutrition programs: food and clean water as a right!
But this simple approach never seems to be on the agenda of national and international "leaders".
Clean water infrastructure and land reform advocated in many forms, allows for the cultivation of the land which produces the food necessary to end malnutrition. Clean water just takes the committment by capital and labor locally to build the modern water delivery system that used to be a given in a productive modern society: low level investment producing high yield in people. But this is not in the plan!
People are then able to begin to do for self; nations are born that provide the means for individual and collective survival: real globalization!
Lastly, as important is a diet that best encourages immuno restoration and long term health: as much raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Conversely, reduce as much possible, the intake of meat, especially red meat which is factory farmed.
And trust in Vitamin C and other traditional meds for immune restoration...
The power to end "AIDS" in our time is possible but "We the people" need to know the
Stay safe by staying one step ahead!

Next post: who are "WE the People"....

Friday, October 5, 2007

IT's Alive

Yes, "It's Alive": an exclamation, famously uttered by the brilliant yet mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein, when he realized that his creation had been brought to life in the classic Hollywood film "Frankenstein".

Creating monsters in the laboratory is not just a plot device for Sci/Fi movies, but to a sizeable community of AIDS Dissenters, the real cause of this global pandemic. Unlike the Dusesberg led 'HIV denial wing', theses heretics support the contention that HIV is virulent AND they also believe its creation and introduction into the human population is an act of planned genocide; the genesis they believe originated in the halls of Congress. This was the 91st Congress during the 2nd term of President Richard Nixon...

In 1971, President Nixon, in his January State of the Union Address: " I will ask for an additional 100 million dollars to lauch an extensive effort to find a cure(Cancer)..."

October 1971: Ft.Detrick, the army's biological warfare facitlity was converted to a cancer research facility and part of this unit was transfered to NCI; thereby allowing secret biowarfare experimentation to be carried out under cover as bonafide cancer research. By the late 70's the "War on Cancer" is a bust and so is the Special Virus Cancer Program: no cancer causing retroviruses are found in humans. The program was winding down in 1978 at the same time the United States goverment was enrolling thousands of gay men in Hepatitis B experimental trials in New York City at the New York Blood Center.

At that time the New York blood center was beginning to inject gay men with the experimental vaccine; these innoculations ended in 1979. These vaccines were developed in chimpanzees--the virus most thought contained the ancestor virus, Simian Immunodeficiency virus(SIV). This vaccine was made by MERCK.

Incidentally 6% of the blood donated was sero postive at the time of testing in 1978-79; by 1984(end of study) the rate had grown to 40%. Similar innoculations had been performed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, St. Louis, and Chicago...

In 1983- 84 both Luc Montagnier(Pasteur Institute) and NCI's Robert Gallo had laid claim to the then disputed discovery of LAV/HIV!!

I am one who belives in the unified theory about AIDS: both groups of "official story"heretics have truth and deserve a fair hearing, so people can choose not only what is acceptable evidence and subsequently decide how to prepare defenses against the spread of the conditon know as "AIDS". In the case of the ill, it would allow a new "track" to be developed that would create restorative therapies curing "AIDS"...

Furthermore, I believe, the evidence suggests there is an organized effort to suppress all rival opinions on how to end "AIDS"; when you are made aware of the dire predictions being made about the deaths due to the "AIDS" condition and the inaction of national leadership: NO US PRESIDENT HAS FULLY IMPLEMENTED THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON AIDS REPORT SINCE 1989, it leads one to surmise that leadership is lacking because there is no urgency to solve a problem because leadership does not view it as one.

Ultimately the sober reality is that the evidence supports the contention that it is planned genocide!

The Establishment and their "higher bloodlines", as they see themselves, hate population growth because greater populations make louder demands on resources and equity to the material means that allow for the development of themselves and their nations; only by investing in labor with freedom and capital can that growing labor meet its ever growing needs. This cycle expands exponentially one side increasing the growth of the other...

Rivals would naturally rise from this population growth, some good/bad from these communities who would challenge the dominance of this older, decadent order: this is there greatest fear! "AIDS" as a condition can and will be cured but it must be undestood for what it is: an agent to cull humanity so the few can rule the many who survive this NEW World Order!

Strive for LIFE and the good it brings to the world...

Continue to read and to discover--continue to learn "why"

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Watch what you say and to whom you speak...

"Eureka"(greek I have found it) is an exclaimation used as an interjection to celebrate a discovery of profound unique is most famously attributed to Archimedes. It is the pronoun "I", which signifies to all that through personal sacrifice and the power of discovery performed through a series of physical experiements which will provide a solution to an unsolved dilemma.

Unlike other key discoveries of the past, here and here; HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the retrovirus which is proported to cause AIDS, had not one but TWO men who proclaimed its discovery.

They are Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo...

As you can see Montagnier and his LAV (LymphadenopathyAssociated Virus) was sent to the National Cancer Institute and Dr. Gallo, whose HTLV (Human T-Lyphotropic Virus type III) was announced a year later.


A compromise was worked out by Presidents Reagan and Mitterand during overall discussions between the two leaders in 1987.
So the next time you say "Eureak I have found it..." be sure to watch your back and your petrie dish!!

peace and luv

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Dissent...

Disenters, heretics, unbelivers...these are just some of the names of those who decide to challenge the official "story"

This is true of AIDS as well; there are many who challenge the official story presented by those in high places. In the AIDS community this is found in two groups: the larger and most known,'HIV does not cause AIDS' group and the smaller set which does believe in the virulency of HIV but wants to expose its malevolent creation and the dark forces behind its genocidal introduction into the human population...

The former belives, that it is more than just the virus and subsequently documents the evidence that supports their claim that it is the use of recreational drugs(anyl nitrates, amphetemines), multiple sex partners and toxic "remedies"(AZT) provided by the system which is causing immuno supression-- leading to "AIDS", ultimately resulting in death.

It is this group I will expose first leaving the latter for the next post; ultimately using both sides to better present how this "plague" is used to destroy the future for the many but also creating wealth, power and life to the very few...

The High Priest of Dissent: Dr. Peter Duesberg

Dr. Peter Duesberg, Ph.d of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University California Berkeley, isolated the first cancer gene through his work while working on retroviruses in 1970. He also mapped the genetic structure of these viruses. Elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1986, he challenged the 'HIVdoes not cause AIDS' hypothesis in the pages of such journals as "The Lancet", "Cancer Research", and the "New England Journal of Medicine". This contention is championed by other whistle blowers with similar medical/research backgrounds. Men such as Dr. Gordon Stewert, of Glasgow University share similar observations.

Their data goes in detail advising individuals, groups, governmental and non-governmental, how to make a paradigm shift, so WE the people can develop proper strategies which can defeat AIDS in the developing world and more importantly the developing sections on this planet:

In Africa and Asia, cases are reported with equal frequency in both males and females; homosexuality and the use of rec drugs are uncommon as risk factors. Instead of Western opportunitstic infections(OI's) such as K.S. and P.C.P. being reported it is instead Tuberculosis(TB), MALNUTRITION, Diarreha, and exhaustion are the main clinical features.

The resulting deaths are mostly found in young men, women, and most tragically in children!!!

They also present eveidence refuting the belief that SIV is the progenitor of HIV and its subsequent spread from AFRICA to the world!

These are brave people; courageous women and men, who value discussion and evidence they belive will lead to the truth. Currently the AIDS debate has been decided by the global establishment and they have won: now the call is for the distribution of billions of dollars GLOBALLY to save hundreds of millions locally.

When did the United States "win" the fight against AIDS nationally?

The fight to find eveidence to the contrary is difficult to find but when it become available it makes "sense". For example, in 1994 while living here in DC I attended (again) the AIDS Clinical Trials Testing Group(ACTG); while sitting in on a pediatrics seminar with my friends Virgina and Julie, a young researcher from the university of Nebraska said during his presentation that "it is not just the virus":Eureka...I thought.

4 years(at that time) of hittimg my head and other body parts against the wall, had not been in vain!

My comrade Adam G and I had thought similarly for years but older activist, especially treatment activist types would dismiss us.

Moreover, we believed a cure was and is possible; it just had to be "searched" for, AIDS did not need to be a chronic condition--a cure just needed to be discovered. The establishment types even in ACTUP, acepted the belief that a cure was years away, if at all.

When I realized that it was "not just the Virus", I did not go back!

Never stop trusting what you "feel" is right...never stop asking:why?

Never stop Dissenting!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Busy busy busy

I have been very busy the past 3 weeks: from Blacksburg Virginia the first wek to visit Virgina Tech, then to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania: a great American city...

I also re-ignited my activist past, by attending activist rallies, both originating in Lafayette Park, which is across from the White House. The first was on September 11th, and was sponsore by the 911 truth movement. I never like to go as an spectator because I believe that especially in Washington DC an action in support of ones belief is possible at any place and time. So I got my copy of the Declaration of Independence and began to "read" in front of the White House for all including our abomination President to hear.

How things had changed in my hometown in those 6 years since those much things have been altered since that fateful day. There is now a tense subtle "fear" for anyone who comes to observe the house of the President; in fact I was confronted by 5 bicycled police about my speach but thank god for the constitution and the crowd that gathered to hear: both made any attempt at harasement by the cops unlikely. Moreover, I became further empowered by each word I spoke because it reminded me and all those who could hear even though over 200 years have passed, we still are under the grip of a tyranical George.

6 years ago, the streets of Washington DC filled with cars because the establishment had abandoned the city: the US Capitol was surrounded by police(?); 17th steet and Pennsylvania, 1 block from the White house was a parking lot, which I observed by bike after making my way across the 14th street bridge to see the Pentagton, through the LBJ parkway and into the city via the Roosevelt Bridge.

As I had predicted years in advance, the powers that be, like in New Orleans: Left us to fend for ourselves!!

And miss George Bush was hiding in Nebraska: some Cowboy President!

I finisihed my own personal action and then made my way across the street for the rally and the speeches of those who dared to question the offical story coming from the powers that be!

"We the People", have not been given the whole truth about that day; it is up to you and me to find out and then ACT on our own!

Continuing my week of action, I went to the ANSWER coalition march and rally led by the Iraqi Veterans Against WAr(IVAW); the march was forgetful but the "Action" at the Capitol was right on point: mass die-in and arrest led by the men and women of IVAW.
Though the arrest by the shameful Captiol Hill Police is like nothing I have seen since the Rodney King riots in San Francisco in 1992.

They fucked with us inside the holding garage at half and K st. sw. DC: 6 hours held without process; the cops spent 5 of those hours, as they processed us slowly, watching us as they surrounded the room. We were all seated into 3 groups and sat into chairs which were in the middle according to the bus or van we had arrived. It was a mini gitmo...
Besides given 1 bottle of water, we were just seated and asked to wait until they decided to process us out; this lasted 5 hours with many inside showing the frustrations of anyone who had not eaten or been able to act freely for at least 6 hours...
I had seen this stuff before but still I had my moments, though nothing to further incarcerate myself; many inside errupted with anger though some like IVAW citizen soldier Mallard found ironic humor to this display of petty force.
I was cited out at 5 am; i will appear in court onnoctober 25th to answer for my "crimes".

The Capitol Hill police should be ashamed of themselves but considering they work for the members of Congress, it correctly charaterizes how "WE the people " are viewed: nuisances

I am glad I participated in these actions; it gave me a reminder of the price I have and will continue to make inorder for the promise of the country is to be fulfilled.
Friends, the powers that be are using "war" as a tool of destruction bringing about the "NEW World Order" a phrase first uttered by George Bush I in 1991; this horror is being brought to the people of the Middle East as a agent of change by blood and terror.

I will post further on this subject but will use the next 2 to show how these same malevolent forces also use "plague" to mislead and cull humanity so that their offspring can rule tomorrow as they rule today...

Keep your constitution close and your faith in truth closer...

Monday, September 3, 2007

2 Day is Labor day

September 3rd, is American Labor day; not to be confused with the International day for Labor, May 1 (

The role of labor is the foundation for all economic growth, and every economic thinker in history has given much of their time writing about labors' time, sweat and power.

Most, though not all-- believe that labor is central in creating the wealth that most people take for granted.

I am presenting a few prominent names with their own takes on labor and its value in creating wealth in our world...

Read as much as you can take but never forget what they say when you go back to work for your wages!



Karl Marx:


Henry C Carey:

Henry George:

Revolution begins in the mind!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 1...

I returned to the Imperial City(my hometown!) 14 years ago, and I have discovered many hidden secrets that need to be exposed.

I will do my best to convey this information to you inorder to help enlighten your journey from darkness to light.

First, there is true evil on this planet; there are dark forces who use the agents of Apocalypse to destroy humanity. These "dark forces" use malevolent means to cull humanity so that their "higher" blood lines can dominate civilization.

"We the People...", are divided by petty politics and false leaders. This is by design-- the easiest way for the minority to conquer the majority is through divide and conquer.

I will begin to Open your eyes to these truths I have uncovered and hopefully... aid in your journey to empowerment.

These "Mysteries" are only secret because so many who know are silent: I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!

And once this information is made open to you, it will transform you and all those you meet into Masters-- and not slaves in this realm!

Stay safe... by staying one step ahead!

Peace and luv...