Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 1...

I returned to the Imperial City(my hometown!) 14 years ago, and I have discovered many hidden secrets that need to be exposed.

I will do my best to convey this information to you inorder to help enlighten your journey from darkness to light.

First, there is true evil on this planet; there are dark forces who use the agents of Apocalypse to destroy humanity. These "dark forces" use malevolent means to cull humanity so that their "higher" blood lines can dominate civilization.

"We the People...", are divided by petty politics and false leaders. This is by design-- the easiest way for the minority to conquer the majority is through divide and conquer.

I will begin to Open your eyes to these truths I have uncovered and hopefully... aid in your journey to empowerment.

These "Mysteries" are only secret because so many who know are silent: I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!!

And once this information is made open to you, it will transform you and all those you meet into Masters-- and not slaves in this realm!

Stay safe... by staying one step ahead!

Peace and luv...