Thursday, May 29, 2008

Say goodnight, Harvey

I just learned that funny man Harvey Korman has died, tonight in Los Angeles Ca.

A notorious comedic actor, famous for his work in television and the movies; it was the former where I believe he was at his best, in particular as "Ed", in the "Family" skits on the classic Carol Burnett Show of the 1970's.

Godspeed Harvey, godspeed

et tu, Scott?

Heard it all before--all those insider types, like Scott Mc Clellan whom find their voice AFTER they leave their positions of authority and power...
As a native Washingtonian I have seen these type come and go, making there money while lying and covering up for those in "high" places. Meanwhile people like myself who have the courage and patriotism to stand and fight for the Constitution, INSIDE this country, are marginalized and dismissed even though we live, supporting freedom and equality.

It is very frustrating for me to watch those weaklings, huh... charlatans, parade through my hometown "cashing in"and living in the fine sections of this metropolis while I have to pick up a broom in order to pay my bills.

But I would not have it any other way, because I fight the valiant fight; not falling for the lies and deceptions of those in power while keeping my dignity in tack; moreover, I didn't have to find my voice AFTER being on Uncle Sam's payroll either using his pen or his rifle!

Though, frustrating, at least when I meet my maker I will still have my heart AND my soul: Can they say the same?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pay no attention to the man behind THAT curtain...

A famous line uttered by the secretive and all "powerful" OZ in the famous book and movie, "The Wizard of OZ", by Frank Baum.
The importance of knowing the real man who was hidden behind smoke, flash and mirrors is important because those whom follow are usually following a distortion of the truth, a lie. If you are lucky, like Dorothy and her friends, you may escape with your life but if not...than death will be your gift.
A morally contrived and distorted personae is usually delivered to the masses; especially during election time to convince them to follow the beginning of a long scary fairy tale; one crafted by back room charlatans and deceivers.
Psychologically preparing their people to continue this line of deception to more dark and sinister places, but relying upon the initial lie that was specifically crafted to hook the gullible citizen: remember all the talk about Bush being a 'cowboy', 'compassionate' and a 'humble christian'; when all those whom had studied his real life knew he was in fact an ex cheerleader, a son of international finance, and a member of Skull and Bones: a death cult.

"Up" is really "down"...

The trend continues with similar distortions of personae being manufactured with the current crop of major candidates: Hillary as "working class Wilma", Obama as "change agent" and candidate McCain as "hero".
I will begin with every one's latest American hero; I have a few sites for you to read so you can begin to know our "hero" a little better so YOU can judge for yourself...

Monday, May 19, 2008

What a week

It has been quite a week for me...
First the pie turned out great and the crab cakes were "good"; ultimately I felt great about my menu and its final results.
Those good feelings were temporary because when I returned home from work, by bus at 1 am (4 days out of seven) I surprisingly discovered only some minor flooding from the horrific storms which plagued the mid Atlantic Mother's Day. Well I fell a sleep at about 3 am and woke at 8 or so and quickly looked from my bed to the washroom adjacent to my sleeping quarters and saw that water had advanced into my room. I, seeing the creeping invasion, was about to discover that I was being overrun with H2O: "splat" went my foot, "oh shit" I thought as I realized that the flooding had also advanced from the side of the basement which my bed occupied.

I was not pleased...

The past week has been filled with moved furniture, mopping, and lots of praying: he,he.

I just hope this week is warm and dry; though compared to the people of China and Myanmar I cannot not and do not complain.
It is just another test from my god in order to make me tougher and more strong willed because the future will demand it!

Hopefully I can post something about current affairs by Thursday, with it being the 3rd of my 3 days off in 4 that I am currently scheduled. I do miss my strike year but life is about adjusting to change and after all these years I am accustomed to making good out of everything that comes my way. Besides I was broke!

Peace and love

Sunday, May 11, 2008

To all those who celebrate Mother's today

I am poorer this year, so I will not be able to buy anything, so my "gift" to my mother on this Mother's Day, will be a hand made meal: crab cakes, for dinner and a homemade strawberry pie for dessert.
Wish me luck on the pie; though a simple recipe it will be my first and firsts can be alternatively exquisite or messy depending upon the mood...

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Today is a celebration on that other coast

When I think of Cinco de Mayo, I can still feel the California sun shinning down on me and my friends, as we share sweet and sour margarita's, Corona's, crunchy corn chips and tangy salsa, while passing around a big spliff.

Umm, those were the days!

I miss so many people...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We just made him up...

The more I watch the making of Candidate Obama the more he reminds me of the protagonist "John Doe" (played heartily by the humble, manly Gary Cooper), in the mostly forgotten but brilliant socio-politcal/economic materpiece "Meet John Doe" by the iconic Frank Capra...
And you will love the legendary Barbara Stanwyk, who gives her trademark spit fire performance; a feminist, a broad a dame...
Watch and see if you agree.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Stand up, taken down

How convenient that Deborah Jeanne Palfrey(the site's updated homepage has been taken down), aka the "DC Madam" was found murdered in a shed near her mother's home in Tarpon Springs Florida.
Like her former associate, Brandy Britton who was also silenced by "suicide" back in January, before she was to testify in the federal case against Ms. Palfrey. Who was charged with money laundering, racketeering and not prostitution(no federal law): no professional pre-arranges sex with their potential clients. Time is bought through the service and actions are arranged during the "dates." It is a purely capitalistic arrangement: the laborer sells her/his labor power for use by the possessor of capital, aka the capitalist whom uses it at their profit.(how is that for mayday?)
For this very reason, the feds denied her opportunities to use her 'list' they did not want any of their own to be "exposed' as they led Ms. Palfrey and her associates down this tragic path.

God bless the West coast longshoremen: what took you so long?

Celebrate and honor those whom died for your freedoms

In 1997 I was walking down 17th St. Nw and was "lucky" to catch a Mayday parade by a group of International Socialist, with red flags, banners, and fliers: lookin like they were 'bulls on parade'.
Well, I thought, it is about time...where ya been, see it was May the 3rd not the first. As a gleefull young "red" handeded me a piece of literature, I asked in amazement: "what took you so long, Mayday was two days ago?"
She looked at me and said: "I know, but the bosses would not give us the day off," and then skipped away and joined the blocks long parade; I yelled, "isn't that the reason why you are supposed to march on Mayday...?
In disgust, I turned my back walked away and vowed to have a parade next year on Mayday.

Well, I stuck to my word and did organize a parade which only attracted 10 people, 6 I did not know(5 anarchists, and a pagan) but we did march and celebrate while the so called Socialist marched again the next day Saturday: like celebrating Christmas on the 26th.

Here is one of the flyer's I used to bring context and background to this international holiday:

Mayday is Beltane

Beltane or Mayday is the last of the three spring fertility festivals, and the second major Celtic festivals. Beltane and its counterpart Samhain, divide the year into its two primary seasons, Summer and Winter. Putting a maypole up involved taking a growing tree from the wood, and bringing it to mark the oncoming season of the summer. Mayday used to be period of great sexual license. People would go off into the woods to collect their trees and green boughs, but once there, would enter enter into all sorts of temporary sexual liaisons which society did not normally accept.


The puritans also objected to Mayday and other festivals because of the way social hierarchy was set aside, so that all were commonly involved, from highest to the lowest. The puritans found this offensive much preferring strict gradations in society. Mayday did return with the restoration of Charles II in 1600. The elements of sexual license and social reversal went underground. Then in the nineteenth century, the Victorians overlaid a much more moral tone on the festival, emphasizing its innocence. Instead of being a celebration of fertility, it turned into a commemoration of Merri England; the girls taking part wore white and held posies.
Mayday is the one festival of the year for which there is no significant church service. Because of this it has always been a strong secular festival, particularly among working people who in previous centuries would take the day off to celebrate it as a holiday, often clandestinely without the support of their employer.

Time does not stand still and neither should you or I: go out and celebrate, find your maypole, flag, banner, or sow a seed or plant; just take this day for yourself to do something to bring new life to this world.

Peace and love