Wednesday, January 30, 2008

No-- it is not all about money!

There is a planned announcement later today from the Federal Reserve announcing a cut in the fed funds rate: the rate at which the banks in the federal reserve "system" can make overnight loans...

Another cut in this key lending tool will cause a severe shock to an already bankrupt economic system. When considered alongside the so called stimulus being employed from Capital City, will result in a hyper inflationary shock wave in prices. Money will continue flooding the world economy, exacerbating an already overinflated money supply, in relation to the real commodities that we the people need to live from day to day.

Look out grandma...the sky is falling!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

blue eyes on my mind

If everyone disappeared but you, I would be ok...

Remembering your smile, always gets me through the day
sleeping with my fantasies: emmmm, holdin you all night...
Awaken to this cold confused world; I can see it clearly, I have seen me in your eyes.
I am exposed, naked to your gaze: no one else can tell, no one else can see how vulnerable I am to thee.

And you know what?
I love it!!
Because when I am with you there are no blind spots, no problems for me:god has awarded me first prize a blue ribbon for all to see...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I could not believe my eyes and ears: Heath Ledger had overdosed...
Why would another young talented star--a new born father, take his life?!
Suicide: "WHY?"
Another great person taken before their time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just the facts...

Wake Up!

Economic crisis continues to exascerbate, raising the cost(per calorie) for survival.

Moreover, the insane "green" agenda has futher shrunk available food stocks; We the people, are foolishly following Al Gore's efforts to save the planet by starving people!

The UN Food and Agriculture organization food price index rose 37% in 2007; after a 14% increase in 2006. some prices have jumped more than others with palm oil rising more than 70%. The result has been riots in many coutries like Pakistan, Morrocco, Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, Senegal and Yemen. China and Egypt have taken steps to halt food exports and even applied price controls.

Though not as virulent, a decade ago, economic shock waves circled the globe from fall 1997 through 1998; riots in Indonesia and other so called Asian Tiger countries led to food riots, with oil, flour, and clean water being the main commodities of need.

All those whom cannot look in their pantry and see these items(at least) in bulk need to invests in real human need: FOOD!

Becasue the only thing worse than being in a food line, is waiting in line... as the food runs out!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why won't the Peace Center print this?

I was asked to write by the head of the Washington Peace Center an article for its "Peace Letter".

The topic was: "is peace possible in Washington DC"; I wrote it and even though it is 4 months since I submitted it for editing and publishing it has still not been printed. So I will finally present it to you, and I hope you can tell me what could possibly be the reason it is not fit for print, here in Capital City.

Peace is possible in Washington D.C.

Websters Dictionary describes Peace as, "a state of tranquillity or quiet; freedom from civil disturbance; a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom.

Is Peace possible in our time?

Yes and no...

Yes, as citizens of a Free Republic, we can transform our community, to bring about Peace but it is not a permanent condition if we forget who we are. I call this the "No" factor: we must be diligent in our efforts or it will be lost.
But "yes" it is inevitable if we practice the principles which hindsight has afforded us. First, fully implement the US Constitution; practice that glorious document and if/when that does not work than we must demand a revolution to make things right!

The dissenter... the bomb thrower, the Act-or is our heritage: Rosa Parks is a great example: she sat down and created by her simple yet courageous act a seismic effect which destroyed Jim Crow and southern Apartheid.

That is REAL Leadership!
Individuals acting for a better world!

Therefore, peace must start with cease fires in our own life, by not participating in our own destruction and then extending this next, to those who love us most: our families.

When I returned to my hometown in 1993 I had to begin rebuilding the personal relationships in my own family. Creating a sense of "peace" and harmony. Since I had the awareness to bring about a new relationship, I also had the burden of initiating this new "peace".
FIRST, I had to relinquish my own personal animosity(some justified) in order for healing to be performed and for peace to begin again: the phoenix effect in action!
Bringing New Life to the universe...

So if you have a mother, father, family member, anyone whom you are estranged but are close too... go first to your own heart and make peace with the past; begin extending this to whomever you love most.
By practicing "peace" with yourself and then to those closest to you, "we the people" are beginning to lay the foundation for a tranquil Capital City.

I can be difficult but once you begin to express the "phoenix effect" within your self and family things will transform; life can begin anew, but it takes faith, love and much determination. Ultimately, becoming naturally extended to everyone you meet.
One Example that will forever be close to my heart happened a late fall night in Chinatown; 6th street to be exact.

I was walking along 6th st. across from St. Mary's Catholic church pushing my bike and heading towards towards the arena; the block was still teaming with life, a game had ended an hour or so ago at the MCI(verizon) Center; the city was alive and I got the spirit tonight.

I see this woman who was obviously frustrated by the whatever had just crossed her path; long night ahead for her probably after a very long day. The crowd of post game revelers were ignoring her pleas for financial compensation; they were more concerned with continuing the party which had begun 3 hours earlier inside the center city pavilion. As I walked towards her, standing in the middle of the block, she looks up and asks me: "can you spare something"? Knowing I had my customary traveling cash of $2 in my wallet I proceeded to open and share 1/2 my wealth(capital) with her. We began to dialogue about how hard it is to spare change on the streets of DC: the people seem to believe it a crime to practice economics of free capital put in motion through choice of association.
All initiated by the First amendment!

She thanked me for the dough and after talking for a bit about the coldness of our hometown, I related to her my own experience of returning to my childhood home and community; betrayed by a world I thought I knew and trust.
It was four years(then) since my return and I remarked how much stronger my relationship was with my family and financial and spiritual growth was accomplished; rebuilding first myself and then the world around me: rent from family, collectively circulate money: new roof, hot water heater, repairs directly into a house which would one day be mine. Body and soul improving, resulted in my best to the people who needed me the most.
She returned my openness and candor with her story: she and her mother had a strong disagreement. The split was due to the demands her mother had placed upon her, the daughter. She was the prodigal daughter, alone and at the mercy of the streets of DC. I understood...I placed my hand on her shoulder and looked her straight in the eyes: forgive your mother and yourself; this world is unkind, as you know, realize that whatever she asks of you it is out of love. This world will do nothing but devour you if you give them the chance.

Pointing to the passersby, I continued: they cannot truly give you what you need, only those who truly know and love you can begin to help you to find a place in this world; give you a foundation to build a life for yourself and those you love. Go back, east of the river, and at least meet mom half way...I did!

She smiled, paused and looked me again in the eyes, then offered me a hug which I gladly accepted. She told me that she had at least an hours walk after collecting her stuff. I told her that I had made the walk more than once and it would be helpful in order to gather the strength and the words to say all she needed to say. We exchanged good byes and parted; I have not seen her since but I continue to forward the advice I gave to her that night: peace begins with you and extends to those whom we care for most...

Loving self is tough, and extending it to family and friends is tougher; but to love neighbor one whose proximity increases in degree is most difficult the farther a person is extended from self. This is where the practice of the "golden rule" must be common if civility and "Peace between people separated by numerous barriers, are to be maintained. The practice of loving another as self is in direct contradiction with the morality being transmitted to the general population promoted in mainstream, popular culture. It is a culture of narcissism and self accumulation: I got mine so you get yours or else. Human suffering is a part of the game of self creation and aggrandizement. Death is the maiden of this cult, for those who stand in the way of pleasure and self actualization. Lives are offered to this death god worshiped by modern man and woman. It is turning children into cynical adults by the age of 12: so sad...

This culture of death purposely devalues life from cradle to grave. Most horribly represented in abortion; where nearly 1 million are killed yearly. Here in Capital City according to the CDC's latest demographics on abortion mortality's, 3,486 were denied life; but when accounting for "occurrences" in the District of Columbia, the figure climbs to 5,511.
The former figure is comparable to the number of US servicemen and women who have been slaughtered in the former nation of Iraq, to the justifiable"outrage" of many lefties whom I meet daily in this town. But don't bring up abortion as I did recently at a so called "peace" group house: I got kicked out cuz I did not follow THEIR party line.
The only thing those type of people have on George Bush is power: they just wear different color (red, black or pink)uniforms...
We know that lesson well, living here in Capital City!
There is a direct correlation to the systematic destruction of innocent life in the womb and the subsequent devaluation of all life that is privileged to be born. If it is ok to kill an unborn child than why not allow 1,2,3, 4 growing children to die as has happened lately in the District of Columbia. Violence is acceptable, extending from mother to child and from brother to brother: in 2007, 281 men mostly black, WERE EXECUTED, by their own hands, here in Capital City. Comparatively speaking it still pales in comparison with abortion, registering just .0806 or slightly more than 8%...

Life has to be promoted by all means, thereby fulfilling the principles of the Declaration of Independence : because without "life" one cannot have liberty, leading to the pursuit of "happiness."

Only a nation which supports life as a founding principle can possibly survive free of tyranny at home or abroad. For example, could we as a people whom value and support life ever be so meekly used in this genocidal war in Iraq which since 1991 has killed millions of people, especially children.
16 years: Enough!

But in a culture which worships selfish wealth accumulation, pleasure and death; all is acceptable as long as "I got mine..."

These kids mentioned before are mislead by this world but they must still be held accountable with their money is died blood red too! If Bush and Pelosi are liable than so are all of us!
But we can change all of this!

By practicing the "golden rule", the conditions of "War" is replaced by "tranquility" and "peace."

In a just and free City(society), a truly self governing and righteous people actions are based on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, thereby controlling the whims of petty tyrants and despots. Conversely, the inverse of "government which governs best governs least", is what describes our republic today--especially here in capital city where life can be a daily violation.

A truly responsible people must exercise as many rights and responsibilities as it can command. In a city where full citizenship is denied; we continue to demand some rights of citizenship but are convinced by the black "elected establishment" that others are not needed to maintain a civilized and free people.
The results prove them wrong!
The rejection of the 2nd Amendment and acceptance of gun denial legislation hinders a fully empowered citizen whom will ultimately accept all responsibilities including the defense of his property and community. If not then the fault is hers...
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; this right was a hedge against tyranny from the elites whom use the power of our own government as a master instead of the servant of "We the People."
Moreover, it was a fear of a standing army which also demanded that the people be armed as a hedge against the tyrannical presence of a standing army: a standing army, However necessary it may be at times is always dangerous to the liberties of the people. Sam Adams

Before a standing army may rule, the people must be disarmed as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. Noah Webster

So true!

They knew that "Peace" cannot be maintained as long as people are disarmed and subject to the authority of rulers no matter how righteous they say they are. Imagine how difficult it is to "rush to war" if you have no standing army only armed citizens in its place. Though the constitution does provide for a Navy(Marines: older then the republic itself).
It would be nearly impossible to rush a nation such as envisioned in 1789.

Ironically, the denial of the 2nd Amendment to African Americans is as long as the republic itself. Black codes adopted right after the Civil War were universal in two regards: the now "free" man could not speak in public(first amendment) without a permit and could not own arms(2nd). The fight for life and then citizenship has been an ongoing battle for the sons/daughters of Africa since before the Revolution of 1776.

Even when denied by mans' law human dignity, a moral and just human being can must retain her dignity; the case of former slaves even under extreme terror lived life true of spirit and productivity unlike the former masters whom were decadent and ungodly.

This universal truth must be common law in order for harmonious(no justice no peace) relations to be maintained; our "character" must always stand firmly in a righteous grasp, countering the negativity that the foes of liberty, will contrive for us.

"Peace" as a state of tranquility, harmony and justice can be achieved by the individual citizen of the District of Columbia. but only if he is a practitioner of a value system which upholds the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of the happiness.
Living in accordance to the "golden rule"; promoting a culture of life and productivity, creating strong relationships, based on love which uphold the dignity of each human being. Ultimately promoting, by our very lives, principles and values of "peace" to the American people and to the world...
So yes it is possible but we must recognize that it is perpetual; the struggle is to remain vigilant if not, then "no", it will not last...

Peace and love to all!

Thursday, January 3, 2008