Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wright and wrong

As a firm supporter of the First Amendment, I respect and will defend the right for anyone to speak and practice their religion as long as it does not prevent the equal practice of another person or group. With this principle in mind I am completely in awe-though not surprised- at the utter lack of restraint and context that the nations' media and political elite have focused upon the now notorious, Rev. Jeremiah Wright... (what is it with ex-marines?)

His words, and beliefs may be out of step with the "mainstream", but in know way should they elicit "outrage" especially in comparison to this: The evidence indicates Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has had numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his "nuclear mujahedeen," his nuclear holy warriors.
( Bush, October 7, 2002)
OR this:
Facing clear evidence of peril we cannot wait, for the final proof, the smoking gun which could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.(October 2, 2002)

These lies, are words which should have created similar outrage and justifiable condemnation, from similar sources; because they have led to the murder of millions, and the law which rules this land: the United States Constitution. This would be the result if we were a moral people, which by the current state of affairs, this nation has shown... we are not!
The faux outrage is similarly orchestrated by another media contrived "outrage" which is being perpetrated in the state of Texas; where a religious community is being kidnapped, divided and subsequently will be put on trial just for being different and out of step with contemporary morals.
Right or wrong; where is the right and whom is wrong?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How much time do we have?

The current economic turmoil had me thinking recently about cause and effect: Is it true as so many casual lefties believe: the current military actions are causing the economic crisis?
I believe it is the opposite: the War is in fact spurring military spending and financial paper borrowed via central banks, which circulate in related sectors thereby keeping "alive" the so called free market economies.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, it has been the creation of boogie men and their movements, that have justified the expenditure of central bank fiat currencies into direct military production/action and related sectors; used to prop up the "Western" economic system. I will use a time line to show that since 1990- the first recession since the end of the Cold War- that economic crisis, has ended only after subsequent military action.
Moreover, these remedies, have been temporary; this sick system, has to be given immediate follow up care(8-12 months) by more virulent injections of financial paper and if necessary, bombs...
Thereby, delaying the on rushing financial collapse, which is inevitable as long as the current system and its leaders are in place: Doctor--the cure is KILLING the patient!!!

With this in mind the people of Iran, China-- the world, must be worried as should all those who love liberty, equality and the precious gift of life.

I believe that this could be extended as far back as WWI but I can only directly recall the events of my early adulthood with the fall of so-called communism and its symbols: the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.

After the end of the "Cold War" the world expected a peace dividend and instead got recession, a new "Hitler" and another war...
It was a time of amazing promise being quickly thrashed by the forces of darkness whom were to use the same "mysterious" agenda to kill the spirit of the people. As you have seen the recession, started one month before and ended one month after the war.

Thousands of dead Somalis and 2 blackhawks down

The bailouts of the developing economies, the financial paper, and those whom wished to hold it.
And the last of Eastern Europe's non aligned nations, Yugoslavia begins to disintegrate.

The War continues against Iraq, especially its children.

The meltdown is happening again, as the developing sector has the flu, hedge fund collapses and like a good patient it takes its medicine, right from the pocket of you and me.

The year of crisis that was 1998 turns months later into more madness: 77 days of bombings climaxing with the final scene as the nation known as Yugoslavia can take no more...

Tech stock bubble begins to burst; stock market tumbles...and finds a "home" in mortgages

As we have seen before, the old dose of military and money can not keep this sick, system solid-- it needs a new fix cuz: she don't feel so well...
And the remedy provided to fix our dying world was the abomination known as George Bush Jr.
A Nero for this neo-age; a farce of a human being who was given life due to the deaths of 9-11: a haunting specter that covers our mouths and ears, preventing 'We the People from speaking and hearing the truth. He quickly sets out to claim this dark sinister day; using it to justify the two tools of destruction for a sovereign people: debt and war!

War against Afghanistan

We were given the prerequisite dose of money(borrowed money for tax cuts) followed once again by military spending and action in order to wipe out surplus' in armaments and most importantly to the oligarchy: people!

(It is NOT 5 years of anglo-american warfare against Iraq but 17 years, and counting! )

A generation of Iraqi's have been systematically wiped out of existence...all by design!

Subsequently, claiming their land, resources and the souls of the American people; that is after all you have been shown if you could believe that any of them had one inside their lifeless bodies.

The collapse of the mortgage/housing real estate bubble begins.

2008 and beyond:
Bear Stern/JP Morgan is just the continuation of the cycle; as has been shown, each cycle has produced more deficits, devaluations(human and financial)resulting in a growing mountain of dead.
As I have pointed out, this cannot stop for the oligarchy but it must... if 'We the People' are to survive.

Because the judgement must be paid in full; the further delays only increases the virulence and volume which WILL BE PAID, EVENTUALLY by those who continue to go along to get along, in this age of Apocalypse!

The choice is yours!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

a glimmer of hope

I stood alone, within the dark, cold clear pool at Dupont circle,
making my way in order to touch the hand, thigh, and body of the sculptured
god whom adorns the inner statue.
I turned and saw a beautiful man: tank top, strong sholders and the coolest hat: I thought of you. Walked to the edge, climbed upon the side and looked away...knowing it was just a 'glimmer'
of what I hope was true...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

You get what you deserve...

Yes, everyone should get what they deserve.
Fortunately sports, unlike many things in life are based upon talent and hard work, not pedigree. This was perfectly demonstrated yesterday as the Washington Capitals went from the bottom of the Eastern Conference to the top of the Southeast Division. As a lifelong fan I was so pleased to see "Capitals Nation" rewarded after so many years of wandering in darkness, but oh how beautiful the light of success is today.

So don't hate...celebrate, cuz this is only the beginning!!