Thursday, May 29, 2008

et tu, Scott?

Heard it all before--all those insider types, like Scott Mc Clellan whom find their voice AFTER they leave their positions of authority and power...
As a native Washingtonian I have seen these type come and go, making there money while lying and covering up for those in "high" places. Meanwhile people like myself who have the courage and patriotism to stand and fight for the Constitution, INSIDE this country, are marginalized and dismissed even though we live, supporting freedom and equality.

It is very frustrating for me to watch those weaklings, huh... charlatans, parade through my hometown "cashing in"and living in the fine sections of this metropolis while I have to pick up a broom in order to pay my bills.

But I would not have it any other way, because I fight the valiant fight; not falling for the lies and deceptions of those in power while keeping my dignity in tack; moreover, I didn't have to find my voice AFTER being on Uncle Sam's payroll either using his pen or his rifle!

Though, frustrating, at least when I meet my maker I will still have my heart AND my soul: Can they say the same?

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