Friday, August 29, 2008

It is happenig--AGAIN!

Well that was some show last night; in fact the entire 4 day event was a display of political theatre at its best(propaganda) and worst: the future of the republic.

I could write about my experiences at the Democratic and Republican conventions of 1992. Where I saw first hand, the contrived staged performances; the managed outside agitators being kept quiet and at a distance: this was historic for the Democrats because they were notorious for the old "blood and guts in display" conventions; it was an experience which I will write about in my next blog.

Suffice it to say: last night would have made Leni Riefenstahl proud; her famed "Triumph of the Will" was remade-live and in color- for a new people starving for a "new" type of politics.

The more things change...the more they stay the same.

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