Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Miss George W.

First, I must admit that it has unfortunately been too long since my last post; computer problems ad infinitum have dogged me...


I spent 2 hours this afternoon checking out the Obama Inauguration and I have returned wholly disgusted!

That was the worst inauguration I have ever seen here in my hometown; the security was massive and over bearing. If Bush was president and presided over that display than the majority of those people in attendance and the bourgeosie press would be equally in disgust!

Millions of compliant sheeple waited in LINE(metal detectors) just to stand at attention and watch the people's president get sworn in. I found this extremely contradicting. But this will not matter to these sheeple who are so thankful evil Bush is gone they will except ANYTHING... and this is what the elites whom financed the Obama "Color Revolution" have banked on.

As a patriot and activist it just means I have to get out my old "right wing" playbook and once again battle the left wing establishment....this shit is getting tired!

So in that regard I say: BRING BACK BUSH!!!!!!!!!

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