Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stop him before he kills US all...

So AIG gets 160 Billion!

And from that pool 35 Billion goes to foreign Bankers!

That jackal, Bernanke, will not tell the Congress where the 10 trillion of dollars that the Federal Reserve has given to the banks.

Obama has sold out "WE the People" to Finance Capital; redirecting the wealth of the former in order to "bailout" the former; sacrificing blue collar workers and manufacturing. Here he is willing "take on" the last sector of "Physical Production" with it's machine-tool capacity and labor intensive workforce lonely segregated with the car industry in "Detroit". The Presidential pussy demands concessions!

He is willing to break the contracts between the workers and the owners of the means of production; though ironically this same man would not break the bonuses for AIG.

He is a tool of Finance Capital; this is reflected by viewing his list of campaign contributors.

Obama is the greatest con artist of our time; I accurately predicted he would betray his "left wing" base; he uses left wing cover to promote the same "Wall Street" agenda of privatization, deregulation and globalization that Bush-Clinton-Bush- Reagan have followed to the deterioration of our once great nation.

So why wait any longer: IMPEACH OBAMA!!!

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