Saturday, July 4, 2009

Full court 'press' against domestic tyranny

Happy Birthday to the United States: an experiment to see if humanity could rule itself.

On our 233rd birthday things can appear dire; the republic seems to take a hit everyday from the great Impostor, 0-BAMA! Who continues the legacy of that abomination, King George Bush!

Fortunately on July 3, the spirit of 1776, found succinctly in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution was reignited by reporters Chip Reid and the legendary Helen Thomas. They correctly demanded and end to the Adminstrations unprecedented attempt to control and contrive press events.


NOW--what are "We the People" going to do about it?

Lets continue this fighting tradition; lets fight for our country and for our lives...

July 4 2009: long live the Revolution!

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